Finnegans Wake page proofs, two (incomplete) copies of two sets.

Special Collections, The McFarlin Library, the University of Tulsa has printed a brochure and catalog of The Paul and Lucie Léon/James Joyce Collection, (nd: available on request) which includes two copies each of two different sets of Wake page proofs (full bibliographic description in the brochure), not widely known by the Joyce community until Luca Crispi of the University of Buffalo Poetry/Rare Book Collection came across them in October 2001 and shared the good news with some to whom it would be of interested. I am indebted to the McFarlin Library and to him for letting me see copies of the pages of the marked set for chapters 2-4.
    One copy of the first set includesWake pages 1-512 and is unmarked. The other copy of the first set includes Wake pages 1-355 , and is marked by Joyce and Paul Léon in green and black ink. It contains printer's markings indicating that they are the setting proofs for the second set of proofs. One copy of the second set, pages 1-355, is similarly unmarked, and the other copy is similarly marked by Joyce and Léon, though the marked set covers Wake pages 257-320 and is therefore not directly relevant to chapters 2-4. I have not seen the unmarked copy of the second set, which presumably will reflect the changes made on the first set and quite possibly an error or two of these pages' own.
    No page proofs were known to the compilers of the James Joyce Archive, and so they describe the missing  proofs, which they designate as level 12 (for chapters 2-4), as: “Page proofs (missing), or later corrections for revised galleys; only a few modifications to the text were made at this draft stage” (JJA 50: 285).
     Since each of the two different sets of proofs constitutes a revision level, which under the Archive system should be given a whole number, we have revised the levels designations in this one instance by advancing the Corrections List, the only remaining level after the page proofs, from the Archive's 13 to 14. The first set of page proofs (no longer described as missing) remains level 12, and the second set receives the designation of level 13. The unmarked copies, again by Archive principles, should be designated 12' and 13'.