TN1 Under rather 48.05 a cloud indeed ! Yet all they who heard or redelivered are now as much no more as were they not yet now or had they then not ever been. 48.1048.15 Of Hosty , 48.20quite a musical genius in a small way and the owner of an exceedingly nice ear , no end is known .

Textual Notes

1 Though the “The data” passage (FW: 57.16-61.28 [JJA: 45.138]) is first-drafted first, Joyce must have decided almost at once to precede it with the “cloud of witnesses” passage (FW: 48-50.32 [JJA 45: 137]), to which he then adds the “well-authenticated fact” passage (FW: 50.35-56.19 [JJA 45: 140, 142-3]) as a long overlay addition to level 1. At level 2 Joyce brings “Under rather a cloud . . .” to the margin, as he usually did when copying (or having typed) a new unit of the book (as do also the typescript at levels 3 and 5 and the fair copy at level 4). At this point, then, I think he intended chapter 3 to begin where in fact it does.