TN1 'Sdense ! Therewith was released 48.05 a poisoning volume of cloud indeed . Yet all they who heard or redelivered are now as much no more as be they not yet now or had they then notever been. Canbe in some future we shall presently here 48.1048.15 the zitherer of the past with his merrymen all, zimzim , zimzim . Of the persins sin this Eyrawyggla saga (which is from tubb to [7 TD <buttom><A buttonTN2 7] all falsetissues , antilibellous and nonactionable and this applies to its whole wholume ) of Osti , 48.20quite a musical genius in a small way and the owner of an exceedingly niced ear , no one end inTN3 known .

Textual Notes

1 Though the “The data” passage (FW: 57.16-61.28 [JJA: 45.138]) is first-drafted first, Joyce must have decided almost at once to precede it with the “cloud of witnesses” passage (FW: 48-50.32 [JJA 45: 137]), to which he then adds the “well-authenticated fact” passage (FW: 50.35-56.19 [JJA 45: 140, 142-3]) as a long overlay addition to level 1. At level 2 Joyce brings “Under rather a cloud . . .” to the margin, as he usually did when copying (or having typed) a new unit of the book (as do also the typescript at levels 3 and 5 and the fair copy at level 4). At this point, then, I think he intended chapter 3 to begin where in fact it does.

2 Note that “button”, corrected on level 6 but that correction unattended to on level 7, appears correctly as “buttom” on level 8, suggesting some extradraft instruction.

3 “in”, wrong on levels 6 and 7, is correctly “is” at level 8, changed probably in some extradraft instruction.