TN1 Guiltless he was 34.35clearly for so once at least he clearely with a brave outlander's burr declared himself to be & we know that it is true. They tell the story that one fine spring one whistling »happy-go-gusty happy-go-blw »»happy-go-blowy«« April« morning some years after the alleged misdemeanour whisst whitstTN2 crossing swinging »billowing« across the fair expanse of the park in hisTN3 billowy »rubberised« inverness he met a cad with a pipe. The latter accosted him to ask if he could say what it was o'clock that the clock struck , had he any idea . Earwicker realising »as a on fundamental principles« the supreme importance of physical life & being òful to be plugged by a leaden »the sap's« bullet sending him to eternity halting drew quick on the draw produced his enamelledTN4 hunter »Waterbury« shrapnel »from his gun pocket« and hearing »above the skirling 35.30of old sharp Mother East« old Fox Goodman working the tenor bell in the speckled church , and told the cad it was punctually twelve to the minute adding however that the accusation against him had been made as was well 36.05known by a creature in human form who was several degrees lower than a snake. In support of his words the honestflaxen goliath Ø tapped his chronometer Ø and pointed a Berlin gauntlet to the dukes overgrown milestone as he said solemly : credit me sir »my friend .« »I have won straight. Hence my nationwide business .« I am prepared to stand take my stand on upon the monument any hygienic day at this hour and to declare »upon the open bible« before the Great Taskmaster's eye &in the presence of before the deity , 36.30my immediate neighbor,TN5 and my fellows »in every corner« on this globe in general »& to every each living soul acquainted with the British tongue« that there is no notTN6 one tittle of truth in that purest of fabrications . The cad perceiving that he had to do with a clear postpuberal hyperpituitary type , thanked him for the time of day »not a little surprised, all the same , that that was all the time it was« and repeated the words that same evening at his fireside where he was smoking reflectively spat in in museful thought after having eaten some boiled peas and with vinegar a dish a plateful he much fancied

Textual Notes

1Section 2 of chapter 2 begins here, a major plot division. I am sure enough, from the appearance of the 8+T transcript, that Joyce intended the "We can't do without them.... keep black!" passage as a separate paragraph when he transcribed it to level 8+ that I mark it as such, lost by transmissional departure at level 9. The reason it was missed is that Joyce so marks it (with an index caret making plain that it should begin a paragraph but not with a caret saying that it should end with one) that the typesetter's solution, to run it right into "Guiltless of much", was a plausible one. Note that it makes a better conclusion to the part it ends, as a separate paragraph, than it does opener of the part it now begins when run right on.

2 I think that Joyce, trying to correct the "whisst" he inadvertently first wrote, overwrote it to "whilst" and then crossed the "l", a not unusual type of error.

3 Hayman sees "in the" but it is certainly "in his".

4 Joyce crossed out "enamelled" and "hunter" separately, as shown. His indexing lines show that after dropping "enamelled" he first intended to precede "hunter" with "shrapnel", but then dropped "hunter" and added "Waterbury" to precede the remaining "shrapnel", for the final phrase "his Waterbury shrapnel". This is what he marked, though he copied it at level 1 as "his shrapnel-Waterbury". Hayman see "enamelled" replaced by "shrapnel" and "hunter" by "Waterbury", for "his shrapnel Waterbury", but I think the marks will not sustain that, the index line to "Waterbury" so clearly preceding "shrapnel". [I saw this differently in London, as what David sees, but at home I just can't believe it. Surely check again.]

5 Hayman does not see the comma I see after "neighbor".

6 Hayman does not see the change from "no" to "not".