The first quiz will occur in class on Friday 2/2. It will be approximately 20 minutes long, and cover chapter 1 and related material. The quiz can now be found here and the solutions here.
Here is part of a work on the mathematics done by theologians, relating to countability and other notions of infinity. I might recommend the bottom of p622 and following, last paragraph of p624, the bottom of p627 and following, and p631-2.
The midterm is coming up on Monday 2/12. I have posted a discussion on canvas with some links to other midterms, for practice. Expect it to be a little less than twice as long as the quiz. The midterm can now be found here and the solutions here.
As announced on canvas, the second quiz is on Friday 3/9. It will cover topics through continuity and functional limits, but not including the intermediate value theorem. The quiz can now be found here and the solutions here.
I will be making a number of announcements on canvas near the end of the term (study guide, office hours, HW9 pickup, etcetera) so please stay tuned.