HW is due by 11AM each Tuesday. Turn it in to my mailbox in Fenton hall (outside my office). Expect homeworks to be returned on Wednesday the week after they are handed in. The first homework will be due on T 10/6.
Reading: K, chapter 1.
Assignment: here
Reading: K, chapter 2-3. You may also read Munkres Ch 13 (see the link above).
Assignment: here
Actually, I have postponed problem 5 until next week. Also, graduate students will only be required to choose 6 out of 8.
Reading: K, chapter 4 and the missing parts of Ch 2. Make sure you are happy with Exercise 2.9.
Assignment: here
Reading: K, chapter 9 and Munkres, chapter 23 and 25 (ignore anything involving product spaces or path-connectedness).
Assignment: here
For those of you who want more examples of tex files, the tex files for the HWs are on this website. Just change the url from HW4.pdf to HW4.tex
Reading: K, chapter 12 and/or Munkres, chapter 23 and 25 (the stuff on path-connectedness).
Assignment: here
Reading: K, chapter 6 and Munkres, chapter 19.
Assignment: here
Reading: K, chapter 8 and Munkres, chapters 31-33.
Assignment: here
Reading: K, chapter 7 and Munkres, chapters 26 and 29.
Assignment: here
Reading: K, chapter 5 up to and including 5.5 (but really read it!).
Assignment: here