Welcome to Math 441, Linear Algebra, a proof-based course. The syllabus is here.
This website will be used to make announcements, post homework assignments, etcetera. I will also enable Canvas for course announcements and to facilitate communication between students.
Office hours will be Monday 3-4 and Tuesday 1-2 in my office, Fenton 210. Please come.
I believe we agreed the midterm would be friday of week 6, in class.
We will be working from Linear Algebra Done Right 2nd ed. by Sheldon Axler. This quarter I expect we will cover chapter 1-6, 8, and 10, though this is subject to change after some soul searching on my part. If we cover additional topics I will make free resources available.
I was recently told about a way you can get a copy of the textbook for $25 including shipping, which is cheaper than many other options. You can also get a pdf. Here are the instructions.