Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology Concentration (ANTH)

Cultural anthropologists seek to comprehend how and why people think, feel, and act in cultures all over the world, how cultural changes occur, and the role power plays in our lives. Research in cultural anthropology includes ethnographic methods as well as comparative and historical analyses. The undergraduate program in cultural anthropology offers a wide range of introductory and advanced courses in inequality and power, engaging communities, and global cultural connections. Students who choose the cultural anthropology concentration gain a better understanding of themselves, cultures, different world-views, and become empowered to work for positive change at home and around the world.
Top Five
Reasons to Study
This Major
  1. Understand the extraordinary diversity of human culture and behavior.

  2. Understand human behavior from a cross-cultural and cross-societal perspective.

  3. Understand how inequalities exist and how they arise within and between societies.

  4. Understand how to make a more equitable and inclusive world.

  5. Prepare for a variety of career paths that require understanding human differences.

College of Arts and Sciences
Where Can I Go?

Students in Anthropology may choose to pursue a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS), a Master of Science (MS), or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Anthropology provides students with a foundation for employment in:

Colleges and universities

Research institutions (academic, governmental, private, etc.)

Museums and archives

State and local governments

Federal government agencies

Non-profit or non-governmental organizations

Libraries and special collections

Historical preservation societies

Social service and human rights agencies

Media, communications, newspapers, and magazines
Alumni Jobs

Public and social policy developer and/or administrator

Immigrant and refugee resettlement specialist

Human rights worker

International adoptions specialist

National and international business manager or consultant

Foreign Service specialist

Human resources manager

Museum curator
Courses You
May Need

1st Year
ANTH 145 or 150; ANTH 161; ANTH 270

2nd Year
ANTH 1xx-4xx (Bio Anthro); ANTH 1xx-4xx (Cultural Anthro); ANTH 3xx-4xx (Geog-Area Anthro)

3rd Year
ANTH 3xx/4xx, ANTH 3xx/4xx, ANTH 3xx/4xx (all in Cultural Anthropology)

4th Year
ANTH 441 or 488 (Cultural Theory), ANTH 3xx/4xx (Elective), ANTH 3xx/4xx (Elective)

Major Credits
Required   40
Electives 8

Total 48

Core Education Requirements

BS or BA Degree Minimum = 180 credits.

Core Education is approximately 71—83 credits depending on transfer credits and placement scores and requires courses in:


Math and/or CS (BS) or Language (BA)

US: Difference, Inequality, Agency

Global Perspectives

Areas of Inquiry in:

Arts and Letters

Social Science / Science
What Will I Learn?

Experiential learning opportunities

Communication - written, oral, cross cultural

Specialized Courses

Critical thinking and reasoning

Add A Minor Or Certificate

International relations

Contact Us

Tykeson College and Career Advising

An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request. © 2020 University of Oregon. Revised: Fieldwork •