Data Science

A major in data science prepares you for a next-generation career. Data scientists are essential players in nearly every industry, ranging from auto production to aerospace, healthcare and biotech, as well as investment banking, insurance, government and even non-profit management. When you decide to be a data scientist, you're joining a group of analytical thinkers, who inform big decisions across industries. At UO, we train data scientists to be holistic researchers, capable of crossing disciplines and breaking boundaries. Our data scientists consider not only what we can do with data, but what we should do.
Top Five
Reasons to Study
This Major
  1. Learn how to analyze and manipulate big data.

  2. Participate in a thriving intellectual and professional community.

  3. Develop skills to solve complex problems.

  4. Prepare yourself for valuable work in almost any type of industry.

  5. Participate in important, strategic decision-making processes.

College of Arts and Sciences
Where Can I Go?

Students in DSCI may choose to pursue a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS). Data Science provides students with a foundation for employment in:

Data architecture

Data analysis and management

Machine learning

Database administrator

Data mining
Alumni Jobs

Data analyst

Data architect

Commercial intelligence manager

Machine learning engineer

Business analyst


Supply chain analyst

Healthcare data analyst
Courses You
May Need

1st Year
CS 210, 211, 212;DSCI 101, 102, MATH 251 (for students who have tested out of MATH 112)

2nd Year
MATH 252, 341, 342; Domain Courses 1-3

3rd Year
DSCI 311; DSCI/MATH 345; DSCI/CS 372; PHIL 423; Computer & Inferential Depth (CID)

4th Year
CID Course 2, CID Course 3; Domain Courses 4-7

Major Credits
Required 60-64 credits
Electives 28 credits

Total 88-92 credits

Core Education Requirements

BS or BA Degree Minimum = 180 credits.

Core Education is approximately 71—83 credits depending on transfer credits and placement scores and requires courses in:


Math and/or CS (BS) or Language (BA)

US: Difference, Inequality, Agency

Global Perspectives

Areas of Inquiry in:

Arts and Letters

Social Science / Science
What Will I Learn?


Machine learning



Database design and administration

Data visualization

Programming languages

Software engineering
Experiential learning opportunities


Career/Internship Seminar

Undergraduate Research

Capstone Project

Study Abroad

Undergraduate Learning Assistants
Specialized Courses

Foundations of Data Science

Probability and statistics

Machine Learning


Distributed Systems and Network Security

Operating systems

Programming languages and compilers
Add A Minor Or Certificate


Digital Humanities






Music Technology



Writing, Public Speaking, and Critical Reasoning (WSCR)

Contact Us

Tykeson College and Career Advising

An equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request. © 2020 University of Oregon. Revised: 8/13/2020