Below is a map of ranges. Call numbers begin in the upper left corner with A's, and go from left to right. At the end of the first major row of ranges the call numbers flip around to the right end of the lower row of ranges and work their way back to the left, ending with the largest call numbers Z's.
Decide on an appropriate number of ranges for each mini-shift. The map below shows each mini-shift starting from 3-range groupings. Color code your map in groups of 3 ranges each. (Use colors that you can find sticky dots or highlight pens to match -- you'll have an orange shifting team, a blue shifting team, etc. Also, when you color-code your maps, put colors next to each other that are very different from each other. Blue next to orange next to green, rather than light green next to medium green next to dark green, as an example.)
The map below shows the same mini-shifts from 2nd floor now spread out in their new 3rd floor locations:
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