SiD Monte Carlo Exercise 2020/21/22
As of March 2022, samples are no longer available by FTP or wget, but can be obtained through other means.
Contact Chris Potter (
Documentation & Tools
SiD MC21 Signal & Background
- 250 GeV CME, L=2x1ab-1, P=80/30
- Signal Higgs
- BSM Higgs, H to Dark Photons [MH DR DRi GL]
- Two Fermion Backgrounds
- Three Fermion Backgrounds
- 3f e-A->Ze-,vW- [2x10ab-1] [WS DR DRi GL]
- 3f Ae+->Ze+,vW+ [2x10ab-1] [WS DR DRi GL]
- Four Fermion Backgrounds
- 350 GeV CME, L=2x1ab-1, P=80/30
- 500 GeV CME, L=2x1ab-1, P=80/30
- Four Fermion Backgrounds
- 4f e-e+->ZZ [2x1ab-1] [WS DR DRi DRij GL]
- Six Fermion Backgrounds
- 6f e-e+->tt [2x1ab-1] [WS DR DRi DRij GL]
- 6f e-e+->VVV (V=W,Z) [2x1ab-1] [WS DR DRi DRij GL]
- Eight Fermion Backgrounds
- 8f e-e+->ttZ [2x1ab-1] [WS DR DRi DRij GL]
- 1000 GeV CME, L=2x1ab-1, P=80/20
SiD MC20 Signal
- 250 GeV CME, L=2x100ab-1, P=80/30
- SM Single Higgs, Inclusive H [WS DR DRi GL]
- SM Single Higgs, H to Tau Pairs, Inclusive Tau [MH DR DRi GL]
- BSM Higgs, H to Invisible [WS DR DRi GL]
- 350 GeV CME, L=2x100ab-1, P=80/30
- 500 GeV CME, L=2x100ab-1, P=80/30
- 1000 GeV CME, L=2x10^5 ab-1, P=80/30
SiD DBD Signal & Background
- WS=Whizard StdHep, MH=MG5_aMC@NLO HepMC, DR=Delphes Root, DRi=lepton isolation, DRij=multijet, GL=Geant4 LCIO
- WS: Whizard 1.95/2.6.4 for DBD/MC20. DR: Delphes 3.4.2 with DSiD card. GL: ILCSoft v02-00-02 with SiD o2_v3.
- With DBD files, you must use Event.Weight. Background processes are identified by Event.ProcessID.
- As of March 2022, samples are no longer available by FTP or wget, but can be obtained through other means.
- Contact SiD Spokes Andy White ( and Marcel Stanitzki ( to access files.
- Contact Chris Potter ( for comments or questions on the content of this page.