Details on the Production and Use of Delphes miniDST

For the US APS DPF Snowmass2021 exercise, a complete set of Standard Model fast detector simulation files have been produced. The Whizard 1.95 Monte Carlo event files prepared for the joint ILD/SiD Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) exercise for the ILC Technical Design Report have been passed through the Delphes 3.4.2 fast simulation using the ILCDelphes generic ILC detector specification, producing files in LCIO format using the DelphesSTDHEP2LCIO executable.

The StdHep files are described in some detail, for example at 250 GeV CME, on this page. Both the StdHep files and the Delphes LCIO output have been placed on a server at SLAC. These are the files described herein:

Use the wget command at the command line to obtain these files. For a few examples:

The last example retrieves a complete set of miniDST for SM processes at 250 GeV CME, while the first two retrieves only miniDST for Higgs boson and four fermion processes. No credentials are necessary to obtain these files. The miniDST can be analyzed using Root and the LCIO libraries. For an example analysis, see this page.

The ILCDelphes card used for processing can be found on this page. The miniDST processed contain additional information which is either not in the StdHep or not filled by Delphes. In particular, the beam polarization and cross section are stored in the miniDST using Delphes configuration files which are specified in the Delphes detector configuration file:

These configuration files have been generated using metadata extracted using Python from this JSON file. Each process generated has a unique process indentification number (37797 in the example above) which keys the appropriate metadata. The configuration files used can be inspected on this page.

Some further technical details on the miniDST production follow: