A Boy and His Bird

Here is segment of a Classical Tibetan tale.  If we count a
sentence as a sequence ending in a finite verb plus final
particle, the whole text consists of five sentences.  Sentences
are numbered I-V, clauses numbered (1- ).   (Free translation

(1) khyim=bdag-gis  bya=phrug de  bu- la  byin nas
    householder-ERG birdling  DEM boy DAT give ABL 
    The householder gave the baby bird to his son

(2)  cher=skyes-pa  dang  
     grow up    NOM and 
     [they] grew up

(3)  gcig la  gcig chags te
     one  DAT one  love  NF
     [they] loved one another

(4)  khyim=bdag- gi  bu  phan=chun-     du ltad=mo la  'gro na  
     householder GEN boy here and there to sights  LOC go   LOC 
     the householder's son went around to see the sights

(5)  bya  de- 'i  rgyab-la  'dug nas 
     bird DEM GEN back  LOC sit  ABL
     sitting on the bird's back

(6)  bya- s   khyer zhing
     bird ERG carry CONT 
     the bird carrying [him]

(7a) nam=mkha'-la  'phur te
     sky       LOC fly   NF
     [they] fly in the sky

( b) 'gro 'o
     go   FIN
     [they] went

(1) nam   skyo  na         
     night tired LOC
     at night, when tired

(2)  phyir yang         khyim-du      'ongs te 
     back  CONTRASTIVE house DAT/LOC come NF 
     [they] came back to the house

(3)  de  bzhin-du nyin gcig bzhin-du 'phyan-du 'gro  'o
     DEM like-LOC day  one  like-LOC around-LOC go   FINAL 
     thus they went around every day


(1)  de  nas ring zhig lon- pa  dang
     DEM ABL long a    pass NOM and       
     Then a long time passed and

(2)  dus  gzhan zhig na  rgyal=po gzhan  zhig-gi yul     du  
     time other a    LOC king     other a   GEN  country LOC 
     another time   in another king's country 

     rol=mo byed do   zhes  thos nas 
     fair   do  FIN   thus hear ABL
     they were having a fair, he heard

(3)  khye'u de  bya  de  la  zhon   te 
     boy    DEM bird DEM LOC mount NF 
     the boy mounted his bird

(4)  yul    pha=rol=po-r   ltad=mo lta-r   song nas 
     country other.side-LOC sights  see-LOC went ABL 
     and to the other country to see the sights [they] went

(5)  bya  shing=ka-r bzhag ste
     bird tree-LOC    leave NF
     leaving the bird in a tree

(6)  khye'u ni  ltad=mo lta-r   zhugs so
     boy    TOP sights  see-LOC went FIN
     the boy went to see the sights


ltad=mo lta-ba- 'i lam du  rgyal=po-'i  bu=mo    dang phrad nas 
sights  see NOM GEN way LOC king     GEN daughter with meet  ABL 
on the way to see the sights [he] met the king's daughter

(2)  rgyal=po-'i  bu=mo    la  chags te
     king     GEN daughter LOC love  NF         
     the king's daughter loved [him]

(3)  bu=mo    dang  nyal    nas 
     daughter with lie.down ABL 
     [he] slept with the girl

(4)  phyi  gsang   shor      te  
     after secret come out NF
     later the secret got out

(5)  rgyal=po-s zin   nas 
     king-ERG   seize ABL 
     the king seized him

(6) gsod-du      bcug    pa  las  
    kill DAT/LOC command NOM ABL 
    and ordered him to be killed

(7) khyim=bdag  gi  bu-s    'di  skad ces  gsol to    
    householder GEN boy-ERG this word thus ask  FINAL 
    the householder's son made this request


(1) bdag la  mchon gyis 'gum yang        myi 'chal  
    self DAT sword INST die  CONTRASTIVE NEG desire 
    "I don't want to die by the sword

(2)  bdag nyid  shing=ka-r  'jegs te 
     self SELF tree-LOC     climb NF
     I myself will climb a tree, 

(3)  shing=ka nas g.yang du  'gum-ba-r   gsol-pa  dang  
     tree     ABL abyss  LOC die-NOM-LOC ask  NOM and
     [hurling myself] from the tree into the abyss [I] ask to die

(4)  rgyal=po-s kyang de  bzhin du  gnang  nas  
     king-ERG   CONTR DEM like  LOC assent ABL     
     the king, in turn, assented to that

(5)  khye'u shing=ka-r  'jegs te
     boy    tree-LOC    climb NF
     the boy climbed into the tree

(6a) bya  la  zhon  nas
     bird LOC mount ABL         
     mounted on his bird

( b) 'phur te
     fly   NF

( c) song ba  las 
     went NOM ABL 

(7) bya  de-s    srog thar-pa-r    byas so    
    bird DEM-ERG life save NOM-LOC did  FINAL 
    the bird saved his life

I.   The householder gave the baby bird to his son.  They grew up
and loved one another.  When the householder's son went around to
see the sights, he would sit on the bird's back.  With the bird
carrying him he would go flying around in the sky.

II.  When they got tired they would go back home.  In this manner
they went around every day.

III. A while later, he heard that in another kingdom they were
having a fair.  The boy mounted on his bird and went to the other
country to see the sights. Leaving the bird in the tree, he went
to see the sights.

IV.  On the way to see the sights he met the King's daughter. 
The King's daughter fell in love with him, and he slept with her. 
Later the secret got out.  The King caught him and ordered that
he be killed.  The householder's son pleaded thus:

V.   I don't want to die by the sword; I beg you to let me die by
climbing up a tree and throwing myself down.  The King agreed,
and the boy climbed the tree, mounted on his bird, and flew away. 
The bird saved his life.