




C       O       N       N       E       C       T       I       O       N       S

the california polytechnic university-slo
the university of oregon
the university of utah

THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT
logistics and
technical information

With your local partner(s), you will form a team which will work with a team at another school in reciprocal client-designer relationships. Each team will act as clients (of the site they communicated) and designers (of the addition to the site they received).

As the clients (i.e., the one that has communicated the place), each team will provide information and feedback to their outside designers' proposals through live and asynchronous verbal and visual means. As the designers, the team will create a piece which has an inherent relationship to the surrounding environment.

While there will be no specific media specification or representation techniques required, work must be documented on the Web. We encourage experimentation and hybrid analog/digital depictions (i.e. scanned sketches, 3D digital models, video-taped physical models, electronic renderings, photos, video, etc.). Through media iterations, we expect to see an idea develop as it transforms. To fully communicate ideas, use text or voice to annotate visual presentations.

These techniques allow each participant to view, reflect and respond to information on at one's own pace.

  • E-mail provides easy almost instant messaging.
  • Web Pages can act as both a log and a presentation medium. Teams can use the web template page and substitute for the text and dummy images.
  • The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site will act as a repository of whatever can not be easily transferred via Web pages or e-mail attachments. Student may use the site to drop in DXF files of their models, images, video, etc).
  • The Posting area for the Weekly Journals & Readings provide a long-term archive of ideas.

Live methods provide an opportunity to brainstorm together and receive spontaneous interactive feedback. It can take planning to have all parties ready to communicate.

  • The Chat link provides live typing by all present.
  • Video-conferencing facilitates non-verbal communication. Low-bandwidth desktop methods such as CU_SeeMe allow casual interaction over the Internet. High-bandwidth methods using ISDN such as ATT Picture Tel or Intel Teamstation will convey more subtle expression and quick gestures but require formal planning due to cost.
  • Application sharing through Timbuktu Pro or Microsoft Netmeeting allows two remote people to share the same program over the Internet.



The matching of teams will be as follows. In parenthesis, instructor observing work. See the table for team members

  • OR1--UT1 (Fowler)
  • OR2--UT2 (Fowler)
  • OR3--CP1 (Bermudez)
  • OR4--CP2 (Bermudez)
  • OR5--CP3 (Bermudez)
  • UT3--CP4 (Cheng)
  • UT4--CP5 (Cheng)
  • UT5--CP6 (Cheng)
schedule DEADLINES
In order to encourage timely exchange, we have established mandatory send-by dates. By 5pm on each of these dates, teams need to have passed the stated milestone. Within this framework, the teams can decide how to schedule their interactions.


Tue 2 Feb

Team A & Team B have web pages up with photos & bios. Introductions by e-mail, chat or video-conferencing, Response to readings posted.

Thur.4 Feb

Team A & Team B have posted a first set of material on the web about their sites.

Sat. 6 Feb

Both Teams have responded to the other's posting and have scheduled a live Q & A session about site, representation, aura, etc.


Tue 9 Feb

Teams have posted a final set of material on the web (taking into account the previous Q&A)

Thur11 Feb

Team A has posted a 'design parti' for Team B's site. Team B has posted a 'design parti' for Team's A site.

Sat. 13 Feb

Teams have given feedback on each others schemes.


Tue.16 Feb

Teams have posted design responses and new design developments

Thur.18 Feb

Teams have critiqued projects

Sat. 20 Feb

Teams have posted new design development acknowledging critiques


Tue. 23 Feb

Final Feedback incorporated into Web pages

Wed24/Thur 25/Fri26 Feb

Final presentation (date and time to be defined later)


FINAL MEETING Video-conference timing:

The meeting will last 2 hours and will take place on Wednesday 23 (pm), Thursday 24 pm or Friday 25 (am).

For the final presentation, all web pages must be finished AT LEAST 24 hours before the live session so that the instructors can review them and select only the best ones for presentation/discussion.


contact information UNIV of UTAH:


  • Class page
  • NANCY'S PHONE: (541) 346-3674



  THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT
updated 1/30/99 by nywc