




C       O       N       N       E       C       T       I       O       N       S

the california polytechnic university-slo
the university of oregon
the university of utah

THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT


Page Layout & Site Design

Graphics for the Web

Using Templates for Layout

Image Maps

Shareware (Mac)

  • Graphic Converter - browses, animates
  • HTML Color Chooser
  • Color Picker Pro

Screen Captures:

  • shift-command-3 (whole screen)
  • shift-command-4 (draw window)

Pixels vs. Vectors

Additive Color of light (RGB) vs. Subtractive Color of Pigment (CMYK)


  • Web-safe colors
  • Color Depth - information per pixel
  • Dithering - approximating more colors with fewer colors

Anti-aliasing - apparent curve smoothing through approximation

For web - consider NOT anti-aliasing for fewer colors, better sharpness
Resolution - dots per inch, pixels per inch
Line or Dot Screen for print (lines per inch)

Smaller file size = faster downloads

fewer pixels

less information per pixel - fewer colors, lower color depth (GIF)
greater compression (JPG or PNG)

Windows vs. Mac screens

Transparent GIF

Animated GIFs

Conveying a Sense of Place: Questions

How does your identity and memory of other places shape your perception of the Univ of Oregon?

How do other people see Univ of Oregon differently because of their background?


  THEME + LOGISTICS + READINGS + TEAMS + Students: calpoly | oregon | utah | all | + FTP + CHAT