A simple R function example

A randomization test for the difference in medians The function below is designed to test the hypothesis that two samples are from populations with the same median value. Copy and paste this function into R. The function will now be available to use.

median_test <- function(a,b,nsim=999){
        diff <- abs(median(a)-median(b))  #the absolute value of the difference of the two medians
        z <- append(a,b)
        l.a <- length(a)
        l.b <- length(b)
        l.z <-length(z)
        diff.sim <- array(NA,nsim) #create the array to hold the results of the randomizations.
        for(s in 1:nsim){
            m <- sample(1:l.z,l.z)  #this shuffles the order of the numbers in the combined data set
            a.s <- z[m[1:l.a]] #the first l.a values make up the first sample
            b.s <- z[m[(l.a+1):l.z]] #the remainder of the values make up the second sample
            diff.sim[s] <- abs(median(a.s)-median(b.s)) # save the result in the array
        Pval<- round(mean(diff.sim>=diff),4)
        print("A randomization test for the equivalence of medians of two samples. Ho:median_a=median_b")
        print(paste0("median_a = ",median(a),"; median_b = ",median(b)))
            print(paste0("p = ",Pval,"; Reject Ho"))
            } else {
            print(paste0("p = ",Pval,"; Accept Ho"))
        maxx <- max(diff,diff.sim)
        hist(diff.sim,ylab="Number of randomizations",xlab="Difference in medians",xlim=c(0,maxx))

Create data for samples a and b, and run the test

a<-sample(1:50,15) ##15 random numbers between 1 and 50
b<-sample(10:60,10) ##10 random numbers between 10 and 60

a<-sample(20:50,15) ##15 random numbers between 20 and 50
b<-sample(30:60,20) ##10 random numbers between 30 and 60

The common method for this test, which you may have heard of, is the Mann-Whitney U test

The R function for this test is "Wilcox.Test", which requires one vector with the data, and a second vector of equal length indicating the groups. In this case, sample a will be group 1, sample b will be group 2, denoted by the vector ind.

z <- append(a,b)
ind <- append(rep(1,length(a)),rep(2,length(b)))

The WRS2 package has a similar function for the randomization test (medpb2)
