Revealing Nature's PastA high-school curriculum for teaching climate-change concepts and an introduction to paleoecology. | |
Funded by the National Science Foundation Grant DEB-1145636 |
Workshop organizers: |
Note: While the content of the core of the lesson is place-specific (western Oregon), it is being posted online in the hope that it can inspire others to adapt the lessons for other regions. Please send feedback to Daniel Gavin: | |
Paleoecology, Climate Change, and the Dynamic Character of Landscapes. By Erin M. Herring and Daniel G. Gavin.
This PDF file contains background information for six lessons.
Video clip demonstrating how a sediment core is collected using a Livingstone square-rod piston corer (25 minutes). The last five minutes is a detailed explanation of the parts of the Livingstone corer. Shorter version with narration: A crude animation of the steps of Livingstone coring Movies by other groups: Livingstone piston coring from ice in Minnesota Coring marsh sediments with a vibracore: |