Friends of the Pleistocene fieldtrip to Olympic Peninsula Daniele at prescribed fire, Sisters, OR High elevation sites, Columbia Mountains, BC Wet forests of Northern Idaho The northern interior rainforest, BC Coring a big PIPO, near Sisters OR Sampling stump for fire scars, Ochoco Mountains, OR Class trip to eastern Oregon Class trip to the Cascade Range SW Oregon forests, near Squaw Lake Dismal Lake, northern ID Coring the silty muds of Upper Squaw Lake Lab group, 2009 Grad students (most of them) 2021 Bells Lake, along the St Joe River, northern ID Dog Lake, northern Great Basin, near Lakeview OR Cores packed up at Dog Lake Sectioning the surface core, Dog Lake Coring at Dog Lake, 2016 Dog Lake surface core White Pine Marsh, Warner Mountains, OR White Pine Marsh White Pine marsh, Glacial to Mazama Sampling a fan profile, Headwaters Forest, CA Rocky Ridge Lake, ID Supervising coring at Rocky Ridge Lake Rocky Ridge Lake surface core Star Meadows, 8 meters Winching the corer out at Star Meadows Mud rotary drilling with a split spoon sampler, near Little Lake, OR P1261340 Coring to 65 m, near Little Lake, OR	Openning the split spoon sampler GPR of beach sands, Big Stump, Waldport OR West LaSalle Lake, near Prince George, BC jquery video lightbox plugin by v6.0m