"O" E-clips: highlights of media coverage involving the UO and its faculty and staff

UO E-Clips is a daily report prepared by the Office of Communications (http://comm.uoregon.edu) summarizing current news coverage of the University of Oregon.

Media mentions for December 10

NFL-Linked Violent Deaths Pressuring League to Improve Education

Bloomberg Businessweek: The National Football League and its union, which had two players involved in three violent deaths in a week, may face increased pressure to improve how they help players with mental-health and substance-abuse issues because of fan expectations. “It’s critical that the league and the union get in front of these issues in a very public way,” Paul Swangard, managing director of the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center at the University of Oregon, said in an e-mail. “Fans will want to know: ‘What are you doing about this?’”


Media mentions for December 9

UO students work toward homelessness solutions

KMTR:A group of design students at the University of Oregon is working with the public to come up with new ideas to help the local homeless population.  The team is called the The Common Good, and is made of six students in UO's designBridge group in the School of Architecture and Allied Arts.  The group won a $7,000 grant from the Wayne Morse Center at UO's law school, to create something for the homeless population in the Eugene-Springfield area. Sunday, the team held its second community meeting at the Reality Kitchen in Eugene, to brainstorm ideas with local residents and start narrowing the scope of the project.  More public meetings will likely be scheduled in the new year, and interested citizens can also leave comments on the group's website.


Media mentions for December 8

U of O President speaks at City Club of Eugene

KLCC: Newly elect President of the University of Oregon, Michael Gottfredson has been touring the state since he was hired in August. He spoke at the City Club of Eugene, Friday, about funding, housing, and the future of the U of O. Gottfredson talked briefly about his experience in higher education. He served as executive vice-chancellor and professor of Criminology, Law and Society at the University of California since 2000. Gottfredson says he is focused on making education affordable for students regardless of social class. Gottfredson- ”Abraham Lincoln knew that education, higher education, was the key to economic and social mobility and as a consequence to the economic prosperity of a society and as a consequence it underlies in a very essential way, the idea of liberal democracy.” Gottfredson's goals at the U of O included focusing on making student housing more affordable, developing the universities research facilities, and winning a few more championships…in all sports.

A message to Congress on the fiscal cliff

The Oregonian: Oregonians are frustrated. While we're moving out of the recession, albeit slowly, there's now another ax hanging over our economic prospects: the "fiscal cliff." These radical, across-the-board cuts have very serious consequences that directly affect Oregonians. We need Congress to act now. With only weeks until these draconian cuts take effect, Oregon and the nation require immediate action ... We urge Oregon and the nation's leadership to immediately agree on a balanced and phased-in approach to managing the nation's fiscal crisis. Please do not allow a lack of agreement to result in an even more immediate, consequential fiscal crisis. Oregonians need our national leaders to step up and meet this challenge.


Late mentions for December 7

US News and Report list UO among “underachieving” schools

The Daily Emerald: US News and Report, responsible for the most highly regarded “Best University” lists, released two additional lists on Nov. 29, and the University of Oregon did not fare well. For the first time, US News released a list of “Overachievers,” and ”Underachievers” for universities that rank lower. The UO appeared in the latter. As of 2012, US News ranked UO as 115 in the nation. Their academic peer assessment is only 70. According to the report, this could result from the undergraduate academic reputation being poorer than the graduate programs reputation, or that there are more negative trends happening at the school that the national rank doesn’t take into account. The UO’s “underperformance” falls at negative 45, which is a couple points short of average (47.5) for the 15 universities listed. Only two of the 15 are included in the top 100 universities, with six in the top 150. Other universities included are fellow Pac-12 schools Arizona State University, University of Arizona, University of Colorado and University of Utah.