"O" E-Clips: highlights of media coverage involving the UO and its faculty and staff

UO E-Clips is a daily report prepared by the Office of Communications (http://comm.uoregon.edu) summarizing current news coverage of the University of Oregon.

Media mentions for May 10

Drinking ‘part of our culture’

Register-Guard: Only a handful of students chose to attend a University of Oregon meeting Wednesday about alcohol abuse — and those who spoke said alcohol pervades the lives of virtually anyone attending college.“This is part of our culture,” said Sinjin Carey, a university senior and co-chairman of the Student Health Advisory Committee ... But students in attendance also acknowledged that the implications of alcohol consumption extend beyond underage drinking and occasional drinking binges — to such risks as dangerously unhealthy diets to accommodate drinking, career-threatening arrests and potentially lethal sex.


Media mentions for May 9

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! and How We Make Them

Newswise: Wouldn’t it be nice if all our decisions were the results of clear, rational, deductive reasoning? Of course they rarely are. A full range of emotions influence decision-making and experts in the field will look at fear and our transportation decisions following 9/11, psychic numbing and genocide and the effect of emotions on risky choices during the Association for Psychological Science annual convention in Chicago, from May 24-27, 2012 ... Paul Slovic will examine the mechanisms for our intuitive moral feelings and discuss how they cannot be trusted to motivate proper action against events that are at once so horrifying and yet so difficult to apprehend. Paul Slovic, Professor of Psychology, University of Oregon, pslovic@uoregon.edu.

Springfield to Revitalize Booth-Kelly Mill Site

KEZI: The Booth-Kelly mill site has been a work in progress for decades. And the city of Springfield is still looking into new ways to revitalize the site and recycle the historic location. The site sits on 17 acres and currently has 200,000 square feet of industrial building space. On Wednesday, University of Oregon students, professors and Springfield community members toured the site and discussed possible development plans. "It's a great resource, it's just a little out of the way right now and we'd like to increase the linkages we have with the downtown, with the rest of the community, and with the good economic future here," said Springfield Community Development Manager John Tamulonis. UO students presented plans they designed, and city leaders say parts of their ideas could be used in future development.


Late mentions for May 8

University changes policy on fees for public records requests

Daily Emerald: Campus community members were surprised last week when the University announced, through the office of the interim president, Robert Berdahl, the fee waiver for the first $200 of public records requests is being taken away and replaced by a new fee policy. Anyone looking to get documents through the public records office will now have to pay to get their hands on documents that take longer than an hour to procure. The change comes after an eight-month “trial period” in which the $200 waiver was implemented by former University president Richard Lariviere in order to increase transparency.