UO honors college to celebrate a summer with the arts

EUGENE, Ore. -- (June 21) - Alumni, parents, friends and students of the University of Oregon's Clark Honors College are invited to celebrate the college's 50th anniversary this year by indulging in the arts.

Special ticket prices, receptions and discussions will be available for honors college supporters in conjunction with various performances of the Oregon Bach Festival in both Eugene and Portland, and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland.

The first event is an opening weekend concert of the 40th Oregon Bach Festival - Verdi's "Requiem," under the direction of Helmuth Rilling, at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 27, at Portland's Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. A post-performance reception will be at the Heathman Hotel.

A special ticket discount will be offered for a July 1 performance in Eugene of Schubert's "Die schoene Muellerin," sung by Thomas Quasthoff and accompanied by Jeffrey Kahane. And "Inside Line" presentations about various Bach Festival selections and topics will be offered June 25, July 1, July 6 and July 11 in Eugene, by former Clark Honors College director Barbara Corrado Pope, UO School of Music professor Stephen Rodgers and Linda Hathaway Bunza of the Columbia Research Institute for Arts and Humanities.

The celebration shifts to the south in late July, with "Summer Shakespeare" studies of the Bard's plays. The three-day, two-night sessions will be July 29 to 31, August 4 to 6, and August 6 to 8. Each includes two afternoon workshops led by a Shakespearean scholar, a welcome reception, tickets to two evening plays, a backstage tour and discussion with a festival cast member.
The Clark Honors College anniversary celebration coincides with the 75th anniversary of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

About the University of Oregon
The University of Oregon is a world-class teaching and research institution and Oregon's flagship public university. The UO is a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU), an organization made up of the 63 leading public and private research institutions in the United States and Canada. The University of Oregon is one of only two AAU members in the Pacific Northwest.

Media Contact: Joe Mosley, media relations, 541-346-3606, jmosley@uoregon.edu

Source: Renee Dorjahn, Clark Honors College 50th anniversary coordinator, CHC50@uoregon.edu

Links: http://honors.uoregon.edu/50th/content/upcoming-events