Daily Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945

Hitler Youth Law
1 December 1936

The future of the German people depends on youth. All German youth must therefore be prepared for its future duties. The Reich government has therefore concluded the following law, which is proclaimed herewith:

§ 1 All German youth within the territory of the Reich is comprised within the Hitler Youth.

§ 2 Outside the parental house and school, all German youth shall be educated physically, mentally, and morally within Hitler Youth in the spirit of National Socialism for service to the people and the racial community (Volksgemeinschaft).

§ 3 The duty to educate the entirety of German youth within the Hitler Youth is assigned to the Reich Youth Leader of the NSDAP. He is therewith designated the "Youth Leader of the German Reich." He has the rank of a supreme Reich authority, with seat in Berlin, and is immediately subordinate to the Führer and Reich Chancellor.

§ 4 The Führer and Reich Chancellor will enact the legal provisions and general administrative guidelines necessary for the implementation and completion of this law.

Berlin, 1. December 1936

The Führer und Reich Chancellor
A d o l f  H i t l e r

State Secretary and Chief of the Reich Chancellery
Dr.  L a m m e r s

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