Manifestations of General Crisis in the Seventheenth Century

Giuseppe Archimboldo, (1530-1593), Vertemnus (1591), Oil on panel, 70,5 x 57,5 cm. Skoklosters Slott, Bålsta (Stockholm). Image source: Web Gallery of Art,

There are many different explanations for the political and social causes of this “General Crisis” in the seventeenth century; one of them suggests some of the ways in which the relationship between state and society in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe contributed to the notorious instability of that period. It goes something like this:

1) As we have already seen, the monarchs of Renaissance Europe were powerful and getting stronger throughout the sixteenth century.

The princes of Renaissance Europe built their power at the expense, largely, of urban communities: Machiavelli’s lament about Italy’s enslavement by king François I of France was symptomatic of a much broader trend: as one historian put it, “how can we think of the late Middle Ages without thinking of the cities, and yet who thinks of them after 1500? In the Middle Ages, the free communes of Flanders and Italy had been the founders of Europe’s trade and wealth…” But by 1600, princes had eclipsed the power of city-states.

2) How did they do it? As we have seen, one way was to create a machinery of power and authority, governed from central places such as Paris, London, Vienna, Copenhagen, Madrid—Court cities, with their great populations of courtiers, their “contemptuous magnificence”

3) But the new monarchies had a great weakness: the size of royal government was considerably larger than the Crown’s ability to pay—in fact, only a fraction of the whole cost of state fell directly on the Crown: Salaries were by no means the only, or even the largest portion of royal spending. The cost of pursuing political, dynastic, and imperial ambitions ate up an ever greater chunk of the king’s treasury: consider the royal budget of Spain in 1608:

4) To pay for its personnel and ambitions, the monarchies of western Europe adopted the simple expedient of giving office-holders the right to exploit their fellow subjects.  But this solution created problems of its own—specifically, a greater demand for office.

All this was well and good as long as the European economy continued to expand—as it did through most of the sixteenth century; but when growth slowed and then stopped in the 1590s and the first decades of the seventeenth century, a heavy bill came due.

5) Everywhere one turns in seventeenth-century Europe, it seems, we encounter struggles between Court and Country, struggles provoked by a top-heavy court and lead by over-burdened subjects. These struggles were exacerbated by the fact that after 1600, the pie was suddenly much smaller than it had been before.