What is Cause marketing/ Social marketing/Cause related marketing?


Using the skills of advertising to effect social change, to benefit individuals or society at large--advertising in the service of the public. Informs about and creates action on behalf of a cause.



1-to impact personal behavior.

2-to create or change public policy

*What makes the difference in most public service advertising? The complex psychological makeup of the target "consumer" for these messages.


*How does it differ from most commercial advertising? Whereas most commercial advertising is simply to change purchasing patterns, cause marketing campaigns seek to change strongly ingrained behavior or firmly held beliefs.


Copy research is more important.

Copy evaluation is important.


Strategy: advertising, creative, media

The foundation.for entire plan. Blueprint. Contract.


Strategy- the most carefully crafted set of words you write for a marketing campaign.


Marketing: careful market analysis


Budget: small, large? Shared? How decide?