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Dev Sinha's Research Interests
My research interests lie at the interface of algebraic and geometric
topology. I like to take recent theories developed
in algebaic topology, in particular the calculus of functors
and equivariant stable homotopy theory, and apply them to answer concrete
questions about manifolds,
in particular about knots and group actions. The need to develop
additional machinery has for example led to my interest in completions
of configuration spaces, Lie coalgebras, and rational homotopy theory.
You can learn more about various research threads by following
the links to the right.
I post my preprints
on the Mathematics ArXiv.
This work is partially supported by the
of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation.
Operads and knot spaces.
Journal of the AMS, Vol 19 No 2 (2006) 461-486.
Bordism of semi-free S1-actions.
Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol 249 No 2 (2005) 439-454.
Manifold-theoretic compactifications of configuration spaces.
Selecta Mathematica (new series) Vol 10, No 3 (2004) 391-428.
A one-dimensional embedding complex. (with
Kevin Scannell)
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 170 (2002) 93-107
Computations of complex equivariant bordism rings.
American Journal of Mathematics 123 (2001) 577-605.
Real equivariant bordism and stable transversality obstructions
for G=Z/2
Proceedings of the AMS 130 (2002), No. 1, 271--281.
The geometry of the local cohomology filtration in equivariant bordism.
Homotopy, Homology and Applications, vol 3(2), (2001), pp 385-406.
Lie coalgebras and rational homotopy theory, I.
(with Ben Walter)
The homology of the little disks operad.
A pairing between graphs and trees.
The topology of spaces of knots.