Geol 201:  Introductory Geology
Internal Heat and Dyanmics of the Earth

Our next Exam:  Friday, November 19

Syllabus Resources and Expectations
Study Questions for Midterm
Web Links Lab Related

The picture above shows an Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) being deployed from the R/V Maurice Ewing. OBSs are deployed on the seafloor to record seismic activity that accompanies the formation of new oceanic crust. It is one of the ways we find out about the internal heat and dynamics of our planet. It's also what your instructor does AS OFTEN AS HE CAN!

 Instructor: Doug Toomey.
Office Hours:   (Generally available in the afternoons; e-mail me for an appointment); Cascade 105
  Teaching Assistants:
Robin Beebee:  Cascade 324; Office hours MW 10-11 am
David Adams:  Cascade 220; Office hours Tues 2-4 P.M.