Study Questions
Geol. 201 midterm

Chapters 1 (History of the Earth and Solar System) and 22 (The Planets: A summary):

Chapter 2 (Rock Record and Geologic Time Scale)

Chapter 4 (Folds, Faults, and other Records of Deformation)

Chapter 14 (Internal Heat of the Earth)

Chapter 16 (Volcanism)

Chapter 18 Chapter 19 (Magnetism) Terms to know:

Solar system
Asteroid meteoroid meteorite Ecliptic
Regolith Astrobleme Maria Mascons
Planetesimal Plate Tectonics Sea-floor spreading
Faunal Succession lithology unconformity magma
intrusive extrusive angular unconformity
transgression regression
Adiabatic Process Adiabatic compression
Epicenter Hypocenter P wave S wave
Fault Plane Moho
Inclination Declination Geographic North
Magnetic north
Asthenosphere Lithosphere Crust Mantle Universe