08/23/2009-Sun (JD235)

Ruth Price, data logger extraordinaire!!

Daily Report from Anthony Johnson
Day begins with Langseth continuing its transit to the survey area.  We arrive on site ~1100 PDT (1800Z).  First order of business is to do a wire line test of the SIO acoustic releases.  Rosette is in the water at 1143 PDT (1843Z).  Package is lowered to 2500 m for the acoustics test.  During the day the seas calm considerably, very pleasant on site, winds 5-10 Kts, sunny skies.  R/V Thompson and the Alcatel cable laying ship Lodbrog (SP) are 25 Nmi distant, installing the Endeavour node of Neptune Canada.  Recovery of first rosette begins at ~1500 PDT (2200Z).  During recovery the line comes out of the shiv, ~500 m of line still out.  AT 0008Z the package is on board.