Plate Tectonics Primer [contents] Page 15 of 15 BibliographyGalapagos Geology on the Web [] [top] [back] [next] ContentsThe Dynamic Earth: An Interpretive Discussion on Plate TectonicsOverviewThe Earth's StructurePage 2Earth's Tectonic PlatesPage 3The Theory of Plate TectonicsIntroduction(1) The Ocean Floor(2) Magnetic Striping and Polar Reversals(3) Seafloor Spreading and the Recycling of Oceanic Crust(4) Global Seismicity MapTectonic Plate MotionPage 9Forces that Drive Tectonic Plate MotionPage 10The Galapagos Mantle PlumePage 11Magma Generation and VolcanismPage 12Plate Migration Across Mantle PlumesPage 13Emergence and Submergence of the Galapagos IslandsJosh's FigureBibliographyPage 15
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