Installing High Frequency Seismometers on the Islands Working on equipment  | Pete Hall and Andreas Sanchez (CDRS volunteer) install equipment on Isabela, October 2000. |
There are a total of five high-frequency, vertical component seismometers installed permanently in the western archipelago. These record vertical ground motion at about 1 to 50 Hz and the data is telemetered back to the Charles Darwin Research Station where it is archived. Students from the Instituto Geofisico analyze the data, which is particularly useful for monitoring the volcanoes on Isabela and Fernandina. The array also detects many local earthquakes that are not directly associated with the volancoes. Since the high-frequency instruments are not sensitive to temperature variations, they do not need to be buried. Consequently, they are deployed in rugged terrain, where few would chose to roam. The pole supports the radio antenna, which telemeters data back to the lab. Andreas Sanchez and Vinicio Caceres are laboring over equipment.