| Fernandina, September 1999. |   | San Cristobal, September 1999 |   | Foreground shows recording equipment, background is the seismometer vault. San Cristobal, September, 1999. |   | Emilie Hooft Toomey about to install a seismometer in a vault, San Cristobal, 1999 |   | A completed installation and a tired but proud crew, San Cristobal, 1999 |
  | Bartolome, October 2000 |   | Pete Hall and Andreas Sanchez (CDRS volunteer) install equipment on Isabela, October 2000. |   | Isabela, October 2000 |
  | Sailng past Fernandina, September 1999. |   | Isla Pinta, September 1999 |   | Peter Burkett, Fernandina, October 2000 |   | Black Sands of Floreanna, September 1999. |   | Bartolome, October 2000. |
  | Northern Isabela, December 1999. |   | Tortoise Breeding Center, Villimil. September, 1999. |   | Marine Iguana of Puna Vicente Roca |   | Land Iguana of Fernandina. |   | Punta Vicente Roca, Northern Isabela. |   | Punta Suarez, Espanola. |   | Isla Genovesa |   | California Sea Lions |
  | Regional Setting and Seismicity |   | Map of Project IGUANA Seismic Array |   | Broadband Seismograms. Beauty to a seismologist. |   | Seismograms of local activity |   | |