Becoming a Dynamics Lab RA
Working in the Dynamics Lab, either as a volunteer or for research course credit,
can be an extremely rewarding experience. If you are interested in doing so,
there are several steps to take:
- Identify a sponsor. Each RA works under the supervision of one of the permanent
members of the lab, typically with one of the graduate student lab members.
- If you are looking for a sponsor contact
Melissa Barnes, the current Research Assistant Coordinator, Dynamics Lab, and let her know of your interest.
- Fill out an "Undergrad Research Assistant
Job Application" and give it to your proposed sponsor or to Melissa Barnes, the current Research Assistant Coordinator, Dynamics Lab.
- If you want to obtain course credit for your research experience, you will
need to have the approval of your sponsor for the proposal, and must read
and sign the "Requirements for Dynamics
Lab Research Credit." Register for Trauma Research (Psychology 401) with Professor Freyd.
If you are not able to get a research assistant position in the Dynamics Lab,
or you decide it is not the lab for you, there are many other opportunities
to do research in psychology. Find out more at the Psychology
Peer Advising Office..
Scholarships and Special Projects
Angela Binder
Program, 2003-2005, project completed spring 2005
"What's the Harm in Asking? Participant Reaction to Trauma History
Questions Compared to other Personal Questions"
L.D. Cromer and J. Freyd, Mentors |
Robyn Grimes (now Gobin)
Summer Research Training
in Clinical Psychology, summer 2004
Robyn is now a professor at the University of Illinois |
Hannah Oh
Summer Research Training
in Clinical Psychology, summer 2003
Hannah graduated in 2004 from Pepperdine University. |
Meggy Wang
Summer Research Training
in Clinical Psychology, summer 2005
Meggy attended Stanford University. |
Cristen Lillie McLean
Institute for Development of Educational Acheivement Undergraduate Research
Fellowship, 2006-07 |
Leslie Medrano
Program, 2010-11
"Oregon State Hospital: A Case Study of Institutional Betrayal?"
C.G. Martin and J. Freyd, Mentors |
Zachary Cunningham
Program, 2015-16
"Maternal Betrayal Trauma and Response to Adolescent Negative Emotion: Does Maternal
Emotion Regulation Matter?"
C.G. Martin and J. Freyd, Mentors |
Dynamics Lab Honors Theses
Photo is of Katie Spaventa and her poster, receiving award, 2007
Students who plan to pursue a career in psychology may consider applying to
the departmental honors program at the end of their sophomore year. The psychology honors
program centers on an independent research project, which the student develops
and carries out under the supervision of a departmental committee.
Some of our psychology honors project students are also in the UO's Clark Honor's College (CHC). The psychology honors project can also double as the CHC senior thesis, so long as both sets of criteria are met.
If you are interested in being an honors student in the dynamics lab you must
identify an advisor /sponsor in the lab (advanced graduate student or Professor
Freyd). We take very few honors students and usually require identificiation
by the spring of the junior year. Preference is given to students who are already working as research assistants in the lab. If you have not previously been an RA in the
lab, you must complete the RA application
form. When you have identified a potential honors advisor, you must complete the
honors student application and contract and a written proposal. Only those applicants with proposals approved by Professor Freyd may conduct an honors project in the lab.
For more information including a list of all recent UO Psychology Department
honors projects, see the Psychology
Honors Program and a collection of completed Psychology Honors Projects.
Recently Completed Psychology Honors Theses (Dynamics Lab) [Abstracts] (*also CHC senior thesis)
- Alexandra Henry (2015), "Responding to Disclosure of Mistreatment: The Long-Term Impact of Listening Skills Training"
- Naomi Wright (2015 also CHC), "Experience of a Lifetime: Study Abroad, Trauma, and Institutional Betrayal" (Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Oregon 6, 2015)
- Sarah Cunningham (2013), "Sexual assault, institutional betrayal, and psychological outcomes in the LGBT community"
- Cord L. Chen (2013), "Effect of Betrayal Trauma on Fear, Anxiety, and Shame"
- Sarah Harsey (2012), "It happens, just not to me: Self-reports of trauma versus reporting trauma of others" (Elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Oregon 6, 2012)
- Alex Fortune (2012), "Exploring associations among homophobic attitudes, trauma exposure, gender, and sexual orientation"
- Leslie Medrano (2011) "Oregon State Hospital: A Case Study of Institutional Betrayal?"
- Janae Chavez (2011) "Exploring the Adaptiveness of Moderate Dissociation in Response to Betrayal Trauma" (Excellence in Undergraduate Research Award, 2011)
- *Brent Belford (2010) "Borderline Personality Disorder, Betrayal, and Relational Health"
- *Laura Gramcko (2010) "Defining trauma from a college student’s perspective"
- Cristen McLean (2007) "Dissociation and Distortion: Functional and
Effective Similarities" (2007 Alice C.Thompson Award)
- *Kathryn Spaventa (2007) "Rates and reasons of gender differences for
disclosure of child abuse" (2007, B.B. Robbie Rossman Student Research Award)
- Michelle Marie Baldwin (2006) "The Influence of Attitudes and Experiences
on Positive Bias in Memory for Physical Punishment Vignettes"
- Melissa Pistono (2005) "Scientific Research and its Implications for
the Justice System"
- Christina Gamache Martin (2005). "The relationship of ADHD Symptomatology
to Teachers' Perceptions of Maltreatment Effects on Children's Learning and
Behavior" (2004-2005 Sheldon Zack Award)
- Mary Elisabeth Gray (2005). "Betrayal Trauma, Acculturation and Historical
Grief among Native Americans" ( 2004-2005 Sheldon Zack Award)
- Paul Monson (2005). "The Roles of Event Plausibility in Autobiographical
Memory Suggestion"
- Daniel Friend (2004). "The role of attachment and dissociation in the
intergenerational transmission of abuse"
- Catherine Monahan Tenedios (2004). "Adult attachment and traumatic
- *Kimberly A Babcock (2003). "Dissociation & Home Environment: Mediators
of Childhood Social Competence" (2002-2003 Sheldon Zack Award)
- Maureen A. Hansen (2003). "Influence of Gender Course on Attitudes
about Gender"
- * Bridget Klest (2002). "Trauma, Attention, & Dissociation: Memory
for Neutral and Traumatic Stories" (2001-2002 Sheldon Zack Award)
- Stephanie Skow (2000). "The Search for Meaning in PMS"
- Ingrid Elise Perdew (2000). "Domestic Violence: Dissociation in Victims,
and Different Perpetrator Caharacteristics" (2000 Alice C.Thompson
- David Smith (1999). "Demand/Withdraw Patterns in Lesbian Relationships"
- Melissa Dianne Hill (1998).
- Patricia H Montgomery (1998). "The Relationship Between Personality
Fragments in Dissociative Identity Disorder and Type and Frequency of Childhood
See also