In order to insure that your research experience will be educational and beneficial for you as a student, the following requirements for research credit have been established. After reading and agreeing to the following, you should use your web browser's PRINT command to print a copy of this form, sign and date it, and return to your sponsor.
1) Obtain your sponsor's approval for your planned research activities.
2) Work at least 3 hours per week on lab-related activities for each credit hour enrolled (e.g.: for 3 credits, 9 hours). Your involvement is expected to be conscientious and responsible (e.g., prompt, courteous, respectful with both department members and participants in experiments).
3) Provide assistance in research projects. This is likely to include all or some of these activities:
4) Complete a Qualtrics RA evaluation form by Monday of Week 10 (the last week of classes):
5) Keep us informed:
Print this page, complete it, and return to your supervisor.
I understand that in order to participate in lab research and receive credit for research this quarter, I must fulfill the above requirements. | |
Name |
Date |
Quarter |
Number of 401 credits I will register for |
Hours I will work per week |
Total hours I will work for the term (10 weeks) |
Sponsor signature |
Date |
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Last revised: 8 March 2012