Dynamics Lab

Undergrad Research Assistant Job Application

Please use the PRINT command in your web browser to print a copy of this form, fill it out, and return to the lab member with whom you hope to work.


Phone Number


Year in school

Expected date of graduation



Emergency Contact Person and Phone Number



When do you want to work in the lab? Give dates or term(s)/year):________________________________

Do you want to work for:
____academic credit (psychology 401)? If so, for how many credits?____
____pay? If so, for how many hours per week?______
____If you want to work for pay, do you have work-study and if so approximately how much?______

For 401 students: do you have a graduate student in the lab who has expressed an interest in supervising you?_________ If so, who?_____________


Please provide at least 2 references we may contact. We prefer professional or academic references (e.g. previous employers, teachers, professors, research supervisors, etc.).


Phone Number

Email Address


How long acquainted?































Note: You may choose to skip any question you are not comfortable answering.

1. What is your professional goal?


2. Why do you want to work in the Dynamics Lab?


3. What are your research interests?


4. Describe your work experience (include research related experience)


5. Describe your experience with computers (e.g.: mac or windows platform, applications, programming languages, etc.)


6. What psych classes have you taken (please give course number, course title, instructor, and grade you received)?


7. Are there other classes you have taken that you feel are relevant?


8. Please describe your research related skills.


9. Anything else you want us to know?


10. If you are willing, we would appreciate a copy of your transcript.

Form last revised: 19 September 2008

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