Columbia Generating
EWEB purchases 61.5% of their energy through the Bonneville
Power Administration (BPA). The Columbia Generating System, a nuclear plant located in Southeast Washington,
generated 10% of BPA's energy pool. The plant has the capacity to
generate up to 1,157 MW of electricity. Almost 6% of the power consumed
on the University of Oregon campus is generated this plant.
Benefits to the
Nuclear power is extremely reliable. Unlike wind or
solar power, it is not reliant upon weather conditions. Also, nuclear
power is considered a "clean" form of energy generation
because it does not emit hazardous gases into the atmosphere, such
as sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, or nitrogen oxide.
The Down Side:
The primary fuel source for the Columbia Generating
System is uranium. Nuclear fission produces a radio-active by-product
of uranium dioxide. This is temporarily stored in a recently constructed
Dry Cask Storage Installation until it can be transported to the
national repository at Yucca
Mountain. Yucca Mountain is located only about 100 miles northwest
of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Unfortunately, Yucca Mountain may only prove to be a short-term
answer to a long-term problem. Removing waste from Nuclear Power
plants just opens up room for more production rather than providing
incentives for higher-efficient production. Also, the transportation
of the uranium dioxide may be subject to truck, train, or barge
accidents, which would pose an immediate danger to the health of
surrounding populations. |
Yucca Mountain, Nevada
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