This month's speaker: Dr. Modesto McClean

Were you interested in nature as a child?
Yes, I was always playing outdoors as a kid. Camping in the Boy Scouts was a lot of fun.

Any nature hobbies?
I enjoy backpacking, hiking, fishing and traveling to other countries.

Memorable travels?
Living in the Carribean. It is one thing to visit, but another to live the environment, culture and hurricanes.

Who influenced you to pursue studies in Veterinary Medicine?
In high school, I delivered t.v.'s and appliances with a chiropractor student and would read his homework to him as he drove on the freeways of southern California. That interested me in medicine. Wanting to give my pets the best care possible made me choose veterinary medicine.

How did you get into your area of specialization?
I enjoy zoo/wildlife medicine the best and chose this subfield.

Where did you get your training?
I did an internship in primate medicine and surgery right after vet school. I also worked in a mobile practice that consisted mostly of exotic animals and then experienced working part time at the wildlife safari in the past.

What brought you to your present place of work?
There are few zoos compared to private practice so if you want a zoo job you sometimes have to move across several states. Oregon, for example, has two zoos i.e. Oregon Zoo and Wildlife Safari.

What are you going to talk about?
A lot of people ask me what exactly I do, or to describe a typical day at work, so I will give an overview of who, what, where, why and how.

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