Recharge Rates For Instrumental Use

Current rates for Oregon Univeristy System (OUS) academic users of the SEM or EPMA is $40.00 per hour of actual beam time. Specifically all data and/or image acquisition time is charged but off-line reprocessing is not. This includes all use by faculty and students in the Oregon University System (University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Portland State University). Outside academic work is charged an additional 50% overhad which is therefore a rate of $60 per hour.

Academic and government rates are for instrument beam time only. We encourage faculty, students and researchers to accompany their samples to UofO because interactive sessions are always more productive and efficient. However those who prefer to have us run their samples can just send the samples with detailed instructions and documentation and they will be charged an additional $60 per hour for operator setup and data re-processing time in addition to the beam time charge.

Commercial use of the SEM and EPMA instrumentation is strongly encouraged and will be given scheduling priority. Commercial analytical work includes expert consultation, analytical design or modeling, instrument operation and off-line processing for advanced industrial research requirements. Costs for this service are set at current prevailing market rates (currently $315 per hour for both the E-SEM and EPMA). For more information please contact John Donovan or Paula Matano at the CAMCOR administration.

MSI Student Industrial Internship work and government work is charged at 50% of the standard commercial rates. Therefore, $150 per hour for E-SEM and EPMA.

For more information on types of suitable samples, sample preparation, analytical sensitivity, detection limits and other specific questions, please contact John Donovan directly at:

(541) 346-4580 (office)
(541) 346-4655 (lab)

copyrights © 1995-2010
John Donovan: May 17, 2023

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