b [Pinyin] chen2xia4 [Korean] sinha [Japanese] shinka [Definition]Subject, vassal, retainer. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 131 [Strokes] 02 [Total Strokes] 09 [Unicode] 81E5 [Pinyin] wo4 [Korean] wa [Japanese] ga [Definition](1) To lie down, to rest. (2) To lie face down. To lie down due to sickness. (4) A bed, a bedroom. [Credit] acm
h [Radical] 131 [Strokes] 08 [Total Strokes] 15 [Unicode] 81E7 [Pinyin] zang1 zang4 [Korean] jang [Japanese] sou zou [Definition](1) Good, fine, excellent. (2) Handle, deal with. (3) A bribe. (4) A manservant. [Credit] acm
hl [Pinyin] zang1huo4 [Korean] janghoeg [Japanese] zoukaku [Definition](1) Male and female servants. (2) A servant. [Credit] acm
[Radical] 131 [Strokes] 11 [Total Strokes] 18 [Unicode] 81E8 [Pinyin] lin2 lin4 [Korean] rim im [Japanese] rin [Definition](1) To approach. To go to a certain place. (2) To descend to; to come to; near to; on the point of. (3) To follow or copy a model; to imitate. (4) Face, confront, be on the verge of, come upon. [Credit] acm
Պ [Pinyin] lin2wei2 [Korean] rimwi [Japanese] rinki [Definition]On the brink of danger. To stand in a dangerous place. [Credit] acm
Վ [Pinyin] lin2shi2 [Korean] rimsi [Japanese] rinji [Definition]Temporary, special, extraordinary, provisional. [Credit] acm
Սs [Pinyin] lin2xing2 [Korean] rimhaeng [Japanese] rinkou [Definition]About to go; on the point of departure. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] lin2xian3 [Korean] rimheom [Japanese] rinken [Definition]To go to the place itself and investigate. [Credit] acm
[Pinyin] zi4shi1 [Korean] jisil [Japanese] jishitsu [Definition]To forget oneself. To be lost in thought. Be blank-minded. [Credit] acm
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