Universal Design: Vision

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No Protrusion Hazards
  Avoid items that protrude more than 4" above 24" so that blind and low vision users are safe

Safe Crossings
  Design vehicular areas with clear separation from pedestrian areas, either
    - curbs at 1:12 slope, or
    - 3' band of tactile pavement, or
    - bollards with 3' maximum gaps

Effective Shorelines
  Provide edges to guide cane users and others
    - vertical edges such as walls and curbs, or
    - textural contrasts such as pavement to planting, or concrete to gravel, or paving type, and
    - provide visual contrast along shorelines as appropriate

90 Degree Corners, No Curves
  Provide clear circulationto enhance imageability
  Avoid curves, use a rectilinear organization for circulation

Visual Contrast
  Use light/dark contrast to emphasize stair hazards, shorelines, etc.