Campus Planning Committee Review
This page lists and has external references to policies and patterns related to this project.
Link to patterns discussed in the Living Learning Center Project Description which have guided the planning process, including patterns specific to this project.
Pertinent selections from the Long Range Campus Development Plan:
Map 3: Malls, View Corridors and Significant Open Spaces
Level 1 Policies and Standards
The following policies and standards are to be applied campus-wide.
1. The policy of the University is to encourage preservation, completion and/or
extension of the fundamental and historic concepts of spatial organization of
the campus. The University of Oregon campus is organized as a system of quadrangles,
malls, and other open spaces. The quadrangles are formed and framed by the fronts
of three- and four-storey buildings on the long sides and by a monumental building
at one end. They are connected to other quadrangles by malls which transect
them near one end.
(a) This organizational framework not only functions well, but serves as a physical
representation of the University's heritage, and should be preserved, completed,
and extended as opportunities arise. A few building sites on established quadrangles
remain to be developed. They should be reserved for significant academic buildings
that will contribute to the overall character of the space as well as promote
the other policies of this plan.
(b) Preservation of this organizational framework requires that the open spaces
in quadrangles, malls, and view corridors be protected from encroachment. For
this reason, no development shall occur in the significant open spaces identified
on Map 3 except as this prohibition is specifically modified by applicable Level
2 policies.
2. The continuity of the University's campus environment over time also is
materially affected by the character and architectural style of the buildings
that are constructed. In order to achieve this continuity, the design of new
buildings is to be compatible and harmonious with the design of adjacent buildings,
though they need not (and in some cases should not) mimic them. Quality standards
as provided in Chapter VII are to be observed.
3. To the maximum extent possible, major instructional facilities are to be
located within an instructional core that can be traversed in a six- to seven-
minute walk. (a) Facilities housing instructional activities scheduled in accordance
with the University's 50-minute daily time schedule should be located so that
students and faculty can walk safely from one class to another within the ten
minutes allowed between class changes. Generally this would result in the establishment
of an instructional core of about 3,000 feet in diameter. However, some fixed
features which provide barriers to pedestrian travel (e.g., Franklin Blvd.)
need to be accounted for in establishing this area. (b) In order to maximize
the opportunities over time for concentrating such instructional activities
within this finite area, instructionally related administrative programs, activities,
and offices that can function satisfactorily without proximity to major instructional
spaces should be situated on the periphery of the instructional core to the
greatest extent possible.
4. All plans developed at Level 3 for individual building projects shall identify
existing uses and activities that will be displaced by the proposed project,
together with plans for replacement thereof. Unless the President specifically
agrees to the contrary in advance, or unless provisions for these replacement
uses are included in a separately authorized project, sufficient funds for accommodating
the required replacement shall be included in the budget for the proposed project.
In the case of replacing vehicle parking, consideration shall be given to the
location of replacement facilities. The replacement spaces should be sited to
serve the same general area as the spaces being replaced.
5. All plans adopted at Level 3 for individual building projects shall include
an assessment of utility systems and other infrastructure improvements required
to support the project. Unless the President specifically agrees to the contrary
in advance, or unless provisions for these improvements are included in a separately
authorized project, sufficient funds for effecting the required infrastructure
improvements shall be included in the budget for the proposed project.
6. In addition to complying with applicable Federal and State requirements, it is the University's policy to make all new facilities completely and conveniently accessible to disabled individuals. Main entrances, offices, classrooms, laboratories, and other assignable spaces, and restrooms and general circulation spaces in new facilities are to be designed and constructed accordingly. Exceptions to this policy shall be made only in consultation with and with the concurrence of the University's Office of Affirmative Action and the State System of Higher Education.
7. The following patterns are by this reference adopted as Level 1 policies,
and consideration of each of them is to be specifically included in any development
to which this plan applies. N.B. The prŽcis following each pattern title is
included only to provide the gist of the pattern and is not intended to substitute
for the pattern. The summary text of each pattern is included in the Appendix.
(a) Site Repair Take advantage of opportunities offered by building projects
to improve the overall quality of that part of the campus in which the project
is situated. Build on the worst part of the site, preserve the best.
(b) Four-Storey Limit Generally avoid buildings which exceed four stories
in height above grade.
(c) Quiet Backs Connect buildings to a quiet space, removed and buffered
from adjacent sources of noise.
(d) Accessible Green Maintain an open space in proximity to all buildings.
(e) Small Public Squares At activity nodes along important pathways,
create small squares, between 45 and 60 feet in width, to accommodate small
(f) South Facing Outdoors Buildings should be designed to create south-facing
outdoor spaces whenever possible.
(g) Main Gateways Mark major entrances to the campus in a way that identifies
the campus as a special precinct within the larger community.
(h) Positive Outdoor Space Place and form buildings to define and partially
enclose outdoor space.
(i) Building Complex Generally, campus buildings should be built at a
human scale; large space requirements should be met by grouping smaller buildings
and connecting them.
(j) University Streets Major campus activities should front on public
streets which are essentially pedestrian in nature; new buildings should either
connect to or extend these streets.
(k) Main Entrance Main entrances to buildings should be distinctive and
easily identifiable from principal approaches.
(l) Family of Entrances Outside entrances to separate realms of a building
or to separate buildings in a complex should be roughly similar and visible
from each other.
(m) Promenade A major pedestrian way, centrally located with main attractors
at each end, should be developed in a way that links principal activity nodes.
(n) Activity Nodes Create small centers of activity, separated by quiet
(o) Connected Buildings Connect new buildings to existing structures
wherever possible.
(p) Operable Windows In the absence of compelling reasons to the contrary,
all exterior windows are to be operable.
(q) Sustainable Development All development, redevelopment, and remodeling
on the University of Oregon campus shall incorporate sustainable design principles
including existing and future land use, landscaping, building, and transportation
plans. [Refer to the Level 3 Sustainable Development Plan]
Level 2 policies for Areas 41 and 42
These areas are devoted exclusively to residential halls and related activity
and open spaces. Minor adjustments in footprint and gross floor area are possible,
but for all practical purposes, both areas are considered fully developed. 1.
Existing recreation spaces, both active and passive, located in these areas
are essential elements in the residence hall program and are to be preserved
and, wherever possible, enhanced. 2. The promenade that extends from the EMU
to the Hamilton/Bean Green is to be preserved as a major pedestrian pathway.
Level 1 Policies and Standards
6. It is the University's policy to encourage
interaction which enhances a free and open exchange of ideas that is characteristic
of a University. To this end, the University recognizes the importance of providing
some physical place that can serve to establish an identity for each department
and to contribute to the coalescence of communities of interest.
7. The University also acknowledges that the development and dissemination of
knowledge in a complex society often involves the interaction of a number of
disciplinary interests. Opportunities for establishing and/or enhancing interactions
among related disciplines and activities are to be evaluated in the process
of siting new or expanded facilities.
8. Except in unusual circumstances, the priority for space in facilities situated
within the instructional core should be given to programs and activities which
are directly affected by the University's 50-minute daily time schedule or which
can function satisfactorily only in proximity to major instructional spaces.
To the extent possible, activities and offices that are not so dependent should
be resituated to more peripheral locations.
9. Within buildings, major pedestrian destinations, such as classrooms and departmental
offices, should be situated so that adjacent activities are not unnecessarily
disrupted by pedestrian traffic. For example, large lecture halls should be
located on the ground floor of multi-storied buildings; if necessary, smaller
classrooms, seminar rooms, and departmental offices could be located adjacent
to stair towers and/or elevators on upper levels.
10. All plans developed at Level 3 for individual building remodeling projects
shall identify existing uses and activities that will be displaced by the proposed
project, together with plans for replacement thereof, if applicable. Unless
the President specifically agrees to the contrary in advance, or unless provisions
for these replacement uses are included in a separately authorized project,
sufficient funds for accommodating the required replacement shall be included
in the budget for the proposed project.
11. When the University makes modifications to existing space, all altered facilities
shall be made fully accessible to disabled individuals. In addition, consideration
is to be given to extending the project to include other parts of the building
in order to improve accessibility of the affected program or building. When
a program is relocated from one space to another, the University shall ensure
that the existing degree of accessibility is not diminished, and, to the greatest
extent possible, improved accessibility of program elements is to be achieved
as a result of the relocation. Plans for relocation and attendant modification
are to be reviewed by the University's Office of Affirmative Action.
12. The following patterns are by this reference adopted as Level 1 policies,
and consideration of each of them is to be specifically included in any building
space use or development decision to which this plan applies. N.B. The prŽcis
following each pattern title is included only to provide the gist of the pattern
and is not intended to substitute for the pattern. The summary text of each
pattern is included in the Appendix.
(a) Student Housing Distribution Develop student housing within easy reach of
the campus.
(b) University Shape and Diameter Consider the 50-minute time schedule in locating
instructionally related activities.
(c) Living-Learning Circle Consider student housing as a potential use of any
campus building.
(d) Fabric of Departments Provide each department with a home base; integrate
these centers with centers of other departments.
(e) Department Space Provide each department with a sufficient, but not excessive,
amount of space.
(f) Classroom Distribution Provide a variety of appropriately-sized classrooms
and similar instructional spaces scattered throughout the campus.
(g) Department Hearth Provide a common social space for each department or major
program near the departmental center and faculty offices.
(h) Degrees of Publicness Within buildings, provide space for the most public
functions near the entrance, placing more private spaces somewhat distant.
(i) Office Connections Locate separate office functions in a way that optimizes
the ease of interaction between them, taking into consideration the frequency
and duration of visits.
(j) Faculty-Student Mix Cluster student workstations around faculty offices
to encourage sustained informal contact.
(k) Local Administration Decentralize administrative units and locate each in
proximity to the center of its own community of interest.
Level 2 Policies for Areas 41 and 42
1. Primary responsibility for building space use and development planning of
the residence halls rests with the University Housing Department.
2. Historically, residence halls have been converted to non-residential use
when the needs for central campus academic space have warranted such a conversion.
No provision of this plan should be construed to preclude rededication of residence
halls to other purposes, provided that sufficient provisions are made for accommodating
the demand for residence hall occupancy. Unless otherwise determined by the
President, "sufficient replacement" means replacement on a bed-for-bed basis.
3. The University desires to encourage development of a sense of community among
residence hall residents while maintaining individual privacy. As opportunities
arise, consideration should be given to grouping residence hall units into identifiable
clusters of about 40 units around shared common spaces.