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Living Learning Center Project Description page 1
Project Description
Living Learning Center
University of Oregon March 2003


I. Introduction ...................................................................

II. Project Overview and Goals ......................................

III. Design Process and Program for Consultation .....

IV. Design Principles .......................................................

V. Spaces and Program ..................................................
Space Descriptions
Space List

Appendix A: Unit Plans ...................................................

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I. Introduction

This document describes the University of OregonÕs needs and aspirations for the proposed Living Learning Center. Although it describes the intended qualities and many of the specifics of this integrated complex of residence and academics, it is recognized that this project is a pioneering effort in this field. Because of the UOÕs lack of experience in these areas, it expects these needs and aspirations to be somewhat fluid through the early stages of design, and responsive to influences of greater program understanding, design opportunities, site constraints, and other factors.

These needs are described first as general intentions in Section II, Project Overview and Goals. The proposed process for working with the design team to meet these goals follows in Section III. Major planning directives, described as design principles, are in Section IV, followed with space-by-space programmatic needs in Section V, which includes a tabular Space List. Section VI covers some of the issues related to energy and sustainability.

The Design Advisory Group (DAG) recognizes that this ambitious program may be beyond its grasp, but it fully intends to use this document and the thinking behind it to come as close as possible to its goals. It recognizes that the means of achieving these goals is likely to change, that compromises are likely if not inevitable, and that most of the work lies ahead. But the members of the DAG are excited by the real prospect for change and improvement, and are looking forward to working with the design team to bring this project from idea to reality.





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