Lecture 7
Univ of Oregon, Dept of Architecture, Intro to Architectural Computer Graphics

Nancy Cheng, 204c Pacific Hall, 346-3674 nywc@darkwing.uoregon.edu

Final Schedule announced, see syllabus
Design Process
See Peter Weishar's Digital Space: Designing Virtual Environments

 Precision Drawing Tools
Construction Planes defines the base plane for 3D extrusions and the plane in which 2D elements occur.

Define new arbitrary construction planes by setting topological level to plane, preselecting x and y axis of a surface and using the plane define at the bottom of the graphic window.

Coordinate Grids, and more specific Structural Grids guide placement of major design elements

Use numberical input with Relative coordinates to put objects in precise locations, and generate objects of specific size.

Snaps act as data filters, locking input to specific domains

  • Angle Snap restricts cursor to particular angles, such as orthogonal, 45 or specified degree increments,
  • Grid Snap locks onto grid intersections.  (visible grid can be different than sticky grid
  • Object Snap forces the cursor to object endpoints, intersections, midpoints, etc. as pre-set by the user.  Overrides grid snap.

Organizing Tools

Layer by material for rendering:

Layer by building system (HVAC, Windows, Doors, Foundations)

AIA CAD Layer Guidelines (AR-WALL, AR-CONC)

File Names: 3D model files, 2D sheet files

Layer names (i.e. A-WALL-FULL)

  • Agent Responsible (i.e. arch, civil engineer)
  • Major Group (i.e. wall, door)
  • Minor Group (full height, demo, new)
  • Annotation (note, dimension, etc.)

Layers by system with components (Win-glass, Win-steel, Win-skylite)

Attributes of visible/ghosted/off, locked, snappable are in palette.

  • Hierarchical groups can cross material layers
  • Allow transformation of a single element, a subgroup or the whole group
  • Use layers for systems which have similar attributes, use objects for specific grouping of parts with different attributes

  • Redefinable symbols =>architectural types.
  • Define an original and place instances or identical copies.
  • Non-typical stretched objects and the editing of placed copies which lose their identity.
  • Redefinition allows quick modification of design qualities

Hierarchical organization (nesting)
  • Can be used with layers, objects and symbol
  • Attributes of parents are inherited by children

Model Organization

Layers Materials, Systems (i.e. concrete foundations, metal window frames)
Groups Assemblies of different materials (window glass + frame)
Symbols Identical elements

Assignment 7
Using and Redefining Symbols