Preliminary Evaluations: Nov. 21 grading notes

Please note that the following are preliminary impressions of your portfolio and your practical test. In giving a preliminary portfolio mark, I looked at the aesthetic quality and technical difficulty for each of the assignments and the overall web pages.

These marks do NOT incorporate the week to week grades that will be a much more significant part of your grade:

  • 66% Weekly exercises
  • 14% Summary portfolio
  • 10% Practical Test
  • 10% Participation

    The test marks will be calibrated with evaluations from the tutors and the portfolios will be re-evaluated after 7pm. Sunday Nov. 1. Please make a special effort to address areas needing improvement so there is no question of a passing mark.
    SSN-last 4 Portfolio Exam Notes
    0321 B B- website has broken links, image files HUGE, good effort on studio project
    0593 B+ B Nice 4 - Palladio & work on 7 studio project (need symbol replacement). Good start on website: resize images to make pages consistent
    1036 B- B- Very neat web authoring, assignments simple but carefully presented: needs more modeling work
    1134 B A Orderly website
    1159 A+ A- great website! Wonderful collaboration 5:2, 5:3a
    1410 A/A- B+ nice website design, screen, work on own project 6-7
    1579 B A good work on 6, test; website has some broken links
    2002 B B exam shows simple table in context, assignments are uneven: some strong, some weak. Nice lighting
    2227 B+ A- strong website, assignment7
    2638 A A Excellent screen 3 & studio project development 7, website has high degree of care
    2840 C B- website messy, aesthetics weak
    3249 B B nice screen, 6 good effort with lighting but needs perspective views. 7 incomplete: resize 8.1.jpg
    3411 C B- Needs to do more modeling. Redo Assignment 7: no symbols, test has nice rendering, odd design, nice Assign 5:2
    3534 A A- strong website! Nice work with modeling 4, rendering 6
    3556 B- B Nice screen 3, 6 needs views corrected: all axon, site playful but chaotic. Could use more serious modeling work
    3565 C C+ Beautiful website idea - keep going! Need to revise views for 6 to perspectives. Need more modeling work
    3614 B+ B+ Excellent lighting
    3868 B B+ nice assign 4
    3881 B/B- B+ nice website revision
    3950 C? C- needs more practice on modeling. Interesting attempt on Spatial Comp, web design, has broken links. Need to resize images in Photoshop not Golive
    3970 C? B+ compelling images, incomplete 4,7
    4053 A+ A+ Excellent, esp. Assign4, 5:2
    4273 A A- Nice website & work on studio project7,6,5 (assign 1 missing now)
    4322 B+/A- A  
    4403 C+ B need to link pieces
    4798 B/B+ A Cute desk & screen
    5006 C C Website orderly, colors chaotic. Needs more practice on modeling: complete assign 7.
    5744 B+ A- exuberant website dialog; 7 not posted
    5759 C- C+ website messy, studio project shows nice development, work for 4 & 6 miss the point of the assignment
    6019 C C screen & assign 6 renderings have good spirit, need to work on modeling & web
    6146 B- B+ Try renders on Assign6 again to get views and shadows, neat website
    6279 A- A Great assignment 5 phase 3 & rendering, nice spunk to website: need to add links
    6678 B/B+ B+ nice screen
    6819 B B-  
    6957 B B- Beautiful Assign1 photoshop, nice web graphics-could have more text, rendering better than modeling
    6982 C+ A rendering views weak, 7 same as 6
    7644 B B- nice assign 4,6, high degree of care with website, but missing links, 7
    7728 A+ A outstanding screen, sign. Nice work on Koenig house
    7907 A/A- B+ nice photoshop 1, 5, 6 Ando Azuma
    8058 C B- Nice work on Photoshop. Needs help on rendering, modeling still elementary. 4 incomplete, 6 needs editing & originals
    8371 A+ B+ great screen,4, 5, nice website - a few broken links
    8375 B+ B Nice 4,6,7 -own studio project
    9087 B-? A funPINK&YELLOW site, nice screen, night lighting for 6
    9105 B A+ strong studio project
    9135 A- A Early exploration of FmZ in assign 4 for studio! Website has kooky flair
    9284 B A+ great start, website shows has broken links for 6, no 7?
    9357 B B+ strong design sensibility, nice assign 3, 5 & 6 (needs originals) needs to catch up on 7
    9592 B/B- B- website created with care, needs more work on modeling
    9615 B+ B only one to include hand sketches on 4 - congrats. Nice screen. Need to link pages, finish 7
    9940 C+ C+ modeling skills still pretty elementary, lighting good, need to watch views. Care shown in website
    9955 B-/C+ B- strong collab project, needs more work on modeling, website needs more consistent formatting, 7 not done

    Last Updated on 11/21/02
    By Nancy Cheng