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Small Assignment Two IllustrationPrecedent buildings for Arch681 studios:

  • Maple Valley Library, Maple Valley, WA –  Cutler Anderson Architects
  • Pool, Medina WA – Cutler Anderson Architects
  • Saynatsalo Town Hall – Alvar Aalto
  • Bainbridge Island City Hall – Miller Hull
  • Faculty Club, University of California, Berkeley – Bernard Maybeck
  • Pinecote Pavilion – Faye Jones
  • Thorncrown Chapel – Faye Jones
  • Cheesecake Consortium for Collective Housing, Philo, CA  – Fernau & Hartman Architects
  • Asilomar – Julia Morgan
  • Carter Ranch – Lake Flato
  • Holt Corporate Headquarters – Lake Flato
  • Seabird Island School - Patkau Architects
  • Polly Hill Arboretum Visitor’s Center, Martha’s Vineyard, MA – Thompson and Rose
  • Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyma Beach, FL – Thompson and Rose
  • Outdoor Classroom and Vine Trellises, Arnold Arboretum, MA – Maryann Thompson
  • Ballard Branch Library, Seattle, WA - Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Architects
  • Shelly Ridge Girl Scout Center, Philadelphia, PA - Bohlin Cywinski Jackson Architects
  • Hillsdale Library, Portland, OR – Hacker Architects

Inspiration Artists, Designers, Photographers

  • Julius Shulman, Architectural Photographer
  • Yukio Futagawa, Architectural Photographer
  • Kent Larson, Digital Rendering
  • Takehiko Nagakura, Digital Rendering
  • Andrzej Zarzycki, Digital Rendering
  • Gilbert Gorski, Architectural Illustrator
  • Zaha Hadid, Architect
  • Walter Hood, Landscape Architect
  • James Corner, Landscape Architect
  • Robert Wilson, Artist & Theatre Designer
  • Samuel Mockbee, Architect
  • Christine Hawley, Architect
  • Santiago Calatrava, Architect
  • Lawrence Halprin, Lanscape Architect
  • Antonio Sant’Elia, Architect
  • Michael Sorkin, Architect
  • Hugh Ferriss, Architect
  • Rem Koolhaas, Architect
  • Peter Cook, Architect
  • Erich Mendelsohn, Architect
  • Jennifer Bartlett, Artist
  • Aalvo Aalto, Architect
  • Martha Schwartz, Landscape Architect
  • Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Architect
  • Marion Mahoney, Architectural Designer (FLWright’s Wasmuth Portfolio)
  • Otto Wagner, Architect
  • Giovanni Piranesi, Architect

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