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Small Assignment Six graphic Summary:

  • Develop trial layouts, bring to class THURSDAY.
  • Develop a building model in Sketchup and create a set of perspective images and orthogonal vector drawings
  • Develop the perspectives with Photoshop collage techniques
  • Create diagrams, develop the orthogonal vector drawings and compose all elements onto a vertical 24" x 36" poster in Illustrator


1. Compose
Use thumbnail sketches to examine possible layouts of your building.  Design your poster to fit on one vertical sheet of 24" x 36" paper. [portrait format] Compose the content however it fits with your design ideas, but taking the entire "field" of the sheet into account in your composition.

2. Create components
Using the presentation components list below, refine the model for the views needed to complete the layout, and develop a complete set of images in Sketchup, Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Pay attention to lineweights and color for full ledgibility.

Use Proximity, Alignment, Repetition and Contrast to increase the impact of your poster.

3. Test prints
Do test prints often to check the line weight, composition, and color. Also, think of how your digital explorations of your design relate to your other media. The goal is to design the presentation in a holistic way.

4. Web version
Save a copy of your final Illustrator file as a Photoshop file. Open it in Photoshop and change its size and resolution to make it appropriate for posting on the web. Post this copy on your website. Send an email to your GTF telling them when your project is done. Use the web template for assignment 06.

5. Pinup
The print out your "mock up" presentation will be presented and discussed at a pinup on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2005 at 4pm in rooms 278 & 286 Lawrence. A black and white draft and a small color sample of your color palette is completely appropriate and will save you printing cost.

6. Final presentation
The reworked design and layout in high-end print out quality will be presented with your portfolio printouts at our Final review on Monday, Dec. 5 at 1pm in rooms 278 and 279 Lawrence.


In addition to submitting the final print on paper in color and the webposting, you are required to save your final layout in PDF format and burn it onto a CD-ROM and hand it in with your GTF. Please make sure that you put your name and project name on the CD.

1. Concept statement and Diagrams

2. Analytical drawing
An analytical representation of your design, e.g. an exploded hidden-line axonometric view.

3. Orthogonal drawings
• Plans (as many a you might need for your design)
• 1 Elevation
• 1 sections (orthogonal and/or perspective)

4. Context / Site collage (1-2)
• Put your building into a site context photo.
• Consider daytime, twilight or nighttime views, using Photoshop or Illustrator to make the light realistic.

5. Perspective Sequence (3+)
A spatial sequence of at least 3 Perspectives, including one interior. These communicate the atmosphere of your design with light, material, people, (outlines of the GTFs are available too) and entourage (environment, trees,...). Choose the views carefully to show the most important "events" of your building or to frame the spatial experience.

6. Graphic identity
In addition, design a title block for your drawing and integrate it into the page layout. The title block should contain the following information:
• Name of Project
• Name
• Project Designer
• Instructor name, GTF name, Section number
• Class name and number
• Date

For the Ambitious
• Print alternative versions of your layout (can be on 11" x 17" paper) for discussion.
• Use ImageReady slices and rollovers to create a dynamic Web version of your poster.

Illustrator Tips by Phil Jones
The Perfect Print by UO AAA Computing
Death by Architecture:  Competition Award sites are a great place to see layout ideas




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