Wednesday, November 6, 2002:
We installed 5 data loggers in the Shelton-McMurphey-Johnson house. These combination loggers were set to record both temperature and relative humidity at 5-minute intervals. We installed loggers in the following locations:
In every case, we were careful to install the loggers away from direct sources of heat, cold, drying or humidity, such as radiators, windows, doors, gaps in the building envelope, et cetera. We placed the loggers in secure locations that would not be disturbed, either intentionally or accidentally, by the various employees, volunteers, visitors or carpenters who are in the house.
Saturday, November 9th:
We collected HOBO's, downloaded and analyzed the data.
Saturday, Novemebr 16th:
We repeated this process, placing the HOBO's in the same locations to test for differences in outside temperature.
Thursday, November 21st:
We collected the second set of HOBOs, downloaded data and compared with the preliminary data.