Venus is covered with a thick cloud layer that makes its surface impossible to see in visible light. As a result, it has been quite difficult to form conclusions about the processes and forces which have shaped Venus's surface. Because of Venus's similarity to the Earth, however, it was expected that the processes which shaped Venus's surface would be similar to the processes which shaped the Earth's surface. The conditions on Venus's surface are, however, different from those on the Earth and may be extreme enough to play a role in the evolution and formation of Venus's surface features.
  • Venus's atmosphere of carbon dioxide is ~ 100 times more massive than the atmosphere of the Earth and Venus has a Runaway Greenhouse Effect that has raised its surface temperature to 800-900 F. This is not hot enough to melt rocks, but can make surface rocks softer and less dense than those on the Earth; this may make the lithosphere of Venus weaker than that of the Earth.
  • The thick atmosphere destroys and slows down incoming meteroids; cratering by smaller objects is less than common than found on the Earth. On Venus, there is a lack of craters with diamter less than ~ 1.5 kilometers on Venus and the number of craters with diameters less than 30 kilometers is deficient. The cratering density on Venus suggests that Venus's surface is young (like Earth's), less than a billion years old and, in places, can be as young as 200-300 million years old.
  • Venus's atmosphere has very little water. On Earth, if we spread the water around, it would cover the Earth to a depth of a few kilometers (the oceans). On Venus, if you were to cover the planet with all of its water it would cover the planet to a depth of a few centimeters. Venus is extremely dry. It is not clear what effect this has on plate tectonics.


Beginning in 1990 and continuing until 1993, the Magellan spacecraft mapped the surface of Venus using radar ranging. To get around the problem of the dense cloud layer, Magellan viewed the surface of Venus using microwave radiation. Microwave radiation is a type of light with longer wavelength than visible light. Microwave radiation is able to penetrate the cloud layer of Venus.

Magellan was in a polar orbit about Venus and let the planet turn underneath it. As Venus turned under Magellan, Magellan shot a radar beam toward the surface of Venus. The craft then measured the amount of time it took for the radiation to go to Venus and return to the craft. Knowing that the radiation traveled at the speed of light, it was easy to figure out far the ground was from the craft at any given time. This allowed Magellan to map the changes in elevation (the ground) on Venus. In this manner, Magellan mapped the surface of Venus with a horizontal resolution of 100 - 300 meters and a vertical resolution of 80 meters. Magellan also measured how intense was the returning radiation. The reflectivity of the surface of Venus depends upon the composition of the surface material and how rough is the surface.

Venusian Topography and Volcanism

The surface of Venus has three types of terrain (rotating Venus, rotating topo map of Venus):

It is clear that there are many volcanoes on Venus (indicating active geology in the past). However, Magellan saw no definitive evidence of current volcanism (as had been hoped). However, other indirect evidence suggests that volcanism may still be ongoing:

Unfortunately, Magellan did not see a volcano in the act of erupting, so the issue is not settled. Magellan did see signs of recent volcanism, however, e.g.:

Magellan also found widespread evidence of other types of geological activity; deformations indicating large internal stresses, e.g.,


Found only Venus, coronae are produced as extremely viscous magma upwells causing the surface to bulge. Typically they have diameters on the order of hundreds of kilometers with the largest one, Artemis Corona, having a diameter of 2,600 kilometers. The coronae usually have volcanoes in and near them. The cracks near the coronae form because magma flows into pre-existing fracture patterns. When eruptions or other magma movements occur, the magma drains from the fractures and the overlying surface rock collapses. The smooth, flat region in the center of the corona is probably a relatively young lava flow.

ARACHNOIDS Arachnods are are circular to ovoid in shape with concentric rings surrounded by a network of fractures extending outward. Arachnoids vary in diameter from 50 kilometers to 230 kilometers. They are similar to, but generally smaller than coronae. A theory suggests that arachnoids are precursors to coronae.


Large faults are seen, but are not transform faults as found at plate boundaries.


Chasmas is a loose term describing deep, elongated, steep-sided depressions. To the right is the large chasma encircling Artemis Corona located in Aphrodite Terra.

The conclusion for Venus is that there is ample evidence for geological activity, but no compelling evidence for plate tectonics.