Temperatures of the Sun and Stars

We determine the temperatures of stars from an analysis of their light (spectra). Spectral analysis is an important topic and so we will spend a fair amount of time on it. We will consider:

Both the continuous and absorption line spectra of stars can be used to infer the surface temperatures of stars. To understand continuous vs. line spectra, consider the spectrum of the Sun (left panel).

If a more efficient tool is used to break up the Solar radiation into its constituent colors, we would, for example, see a continuous plus complicated line spectrum (right panel). The above plot shows how bright (how much power is carried by the photons) the Sun is at particular wavelengths (spectrum). The peak brightness shows at which wavelength (color) the star appears brightest. More on this below.

Continuous Spectrum and Temperature

Blackbody Radiation

The continous part (the smooth part) of the spectrum of most stars resembles the spectrum of idealized radiators known as blackbodies. Blackbodies are materials which are perfect absorbers of energy. Material such as soot are very black and nearly blackbody in character. However, interestingly, it may be the Universe itself which forms the most perfect blackbody we have yet detected (The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation has a nearly perfect blackbody spectrum).

The emission spectrum of a blackobdy is easily calculated because of its simple nature. Their spectra are referred to as blackbody spectra or Planck curves. They are exceedingly simple in character; their emission is characterized by only their temperature T .*Nothing else matters, their shapes, sizes, what they are made of, and so has no bearing on how they radiate! The extremley happy circumstance is that stars radiate in a manner which can roughly be described as blackbody. We use this fact, below and later.