Course policies

Prof. Ian F. McNeely, Department of History, University of Oregon


Consult your course syllabus for any course-specific modifications to these policies.

Attendance. I expect every student to attend every class session, but I do not take attendance. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to make up for what you missed (e.g. by borrowing notes from a classmate). I do often post lecture outlines, study aids, etc. on Canvas, but these are a poor substitute for actual class attendance.

Making up late or missed work. I am happy to work with you on excused absences (documented illness or family emergency, university-approved athletic events, etc.) and to postpone assignment/exam deadlines when clearly necessary. Unexcused late or missed work will be subject to a grade penalty at my discretion.

Classroom etiquette. Please refrain from loud talking, sleeping, texting, web surfing, reading, or engaging in other disruptive behavior during class sessions. Turn off cell phone ringers. If you need to arrive late or leave early, please do so quietly and sit in the back of the room to minimize disruption. It’s fine to bring an adult guest if you wish.

Use of technology in class. You are welcome to use laptops and other mobile devices, nondisruptively, to take notes and engage in other course-related activity online. That said, I recommend that you take notes by hand. This will teach you to filter and process the material in real time and may even improve your retention and understanding of it.

Accessibility and disability accommodation. If you have a disability or if there are aspects of the course that impede your full participation, please notify me and I will be happy to assist with any university-approved accommodations. For guidance, please contact the Accessible Education Center at

Paper formatting and source citation. Please double-space papers, use 12pt font, and set margins at at least 1” to improve readability and allow space for comments. (This format leaves a bit less than 250 words per page.) Use footnotes or endnotes rather than in-line citations. Unless otherwise indicated on the syllabus, any citation format is fine.

Academic integrity and plagiarism. Plagiarism and other acts of academic misconduct are serious violations of university policy. I will pursue them through official channels. Please consult the Dean of Students website at for guidance on the policies, definitions, and processes pertaining to academic misconduct.

Recording of lectures and sharing of notes. Lectures (including my spoken words and any other of my materials that I may share electronically) are my intellectual property and may not be recorded, shared, or sold without my express permission. Your notes are your intellectual property. Note, though, that it is a violation of university policy to use Blackboard, email or other UO-sponsored electronic media for commercial purposes.