History 190: Foundations of East Asian Civilizations
Fall 2004 Ina
CRN 12346 317 McKenzie Hall
UH 10.00-11.20 Phone:
MCK 221 inaasim@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Office Hours: UH
GTFs: Soonyi Lee, Xue Lor
Rhoads Murphey,
East Asia. A New History. New York: Pearson, Longman 2003.
and Bacon, Research Navigator Guide. Boston: Pearson Education 2004.
► Reading of assigned
► Regular attendance of
lectures and participation in discussions
► Midterm and final
► One term paper
► Keeping a journal throughout
the course. Journal records should contain your questions, ideas, feedback
about the course material. The journal will be checked twice during the course
by your GTF.
► Attendance, discussion
participation: 20%
► Midterm (October 28,
10.00) and final exam (December 8, 8.00): each 20% (total 40 %)
► 2 short quizzes on
readings / films presented in the lecture or discussion sections: each 10% (total 20%)
► 1 short paper (max. 4
pages, typed double spaced) on handout with proverbs concerning Chinese
history: 10%
► Journal records: 10 %
The paper is due in week 9 in
order to avoid delays and collisions with preparations for the finals. Papers
handed in late will be accepted only with documented medical justification.
All quotations and paraphrases
must be documented properly. This includes websites you might plan to consult.
The complete URL web address of any webpage used is mandatory. For correct
citations please follow the guidelines provided on http://www.libweb.uoregon.edu/guides/citing.html
for your term paper
Please use the handout
containing a selection of Chinese proverbs with historical content from Adeline
Yen Mah, A Thousand Pieces of Gold. A Memoir
Notes for your journal
When writing journal
notes, you do not have to write an essay. Your notes may take the form of
logically structured keywords, a mind-mapping diagram enhanced by quotations
from your readings, reflective comments on the readings and on the course
in general. The notes must be understandable and readable. All journals must
have been handed in once by the midterm on October 28.
Fall term possibilities to improve writing
1. The American English
Institute offers writing classes for students who want to improve their writing
skills. The AEI is located in 107 Pacific Hall. Leonard Terrible (346-1090) in
109 Pacific Hall is head of the Intensive English Program.
For international students
there is the option of courses offered by the program "Academic English
for International Students" in 112C Pacific Hall (346-0513).
2. The Writing Lab in the
Center for Academic Learning Services is located in 68 PLC (Prince Lucien
Campbell Hall). The Writing Lab offers assistance in the process of writing term papers etc.
You can drop in, usually it is not necessary to make an appointment (346-3226).
Keynotes 5
Keynotes 6
Keynotes 8Vietnam
Keynotes 9Korea
Keynotes 10Japan
Keynotes 11Japan
Keynotes 12
Questions 1
QUIZ 2: Thursday, November 18! Three questions, one each about Vietnam, Korea,
and Japan.
Week 1
09/28 U 1. Introduction: The Physical and Intellectual
Maps of East Asia - China, Japan, Korea,
Reading: Murphey
09/30 H 2. The Material Culture of Prehistoric
Reading: Murphey 20-40
Week 2
10/05 U 3. The Age of the Philosophers in China:
Confucius, Xunzi, and Mencius
Murphey 40-46 ( + additional handouts)
10/07 H 4. The Age of the Philosophers in China: Mozi, the Daoists, and Legalism
Reading: Murphey 46-55 ( + additional
Film: A Confucius
Family (97 min)
Week 3
10/12 U 5. The Beginnings of the Chinese Empire: Qin and Han Politics and Warfare
Reading: Murphey 56-75
10/14 H 6. The Origins of Buddhism and its Impact on
Reading: Murphey 76-98
Film: Hinduism,
Buddhism, Taoism (18 min.); Buddhism (28 min.)
Week 4
10/19 U 7. Statecraft and Technology under the Song Buraucracy
Reading: Murphey 99-116
10/21 H 8. Yuan Domination in
Reading: Murphey 116-122
Film: Storm from
the East (31 min.)
Week 5
10/26 U 9. Conservatism and Prosperity in Late Imperial
Reading: Murphey
127-135, 145-146, 148-169
10/28 H 10. MIDTERM (covers lectures, sections, and
readings of weeks 1-5)
Week 6
11/02 U 11.
Reading: Murphey 170-189
11/04 H
Reading: Murphey 190-202
Film: Buddha in the
Land of the Kami (54 min.)
Week 7
11/09 U 13. The Heian and Kamakura
Periods in
Reading: Murphey 203-219
11/11 H
14. Muromachi Culture
Reading: Murphey 219-229
Film: The Age of
the Shoguns (52 min.)
Week 8
11/16 U 15. Missionaries and Merchants: The Advent of the
Murphey 230-249
11/18 H 16. Tokugawa
Reading: Murphey 250-269
Week 9
11/23 U 17. Imperialism I:
Week 10
11/30 U
19. Japan's Response
to Political and Economic Challenges
Reading: Murphey 290-308
12/02 H 20. Imperialism II: Korea and Vietnam, Burma,
Malaya, and
Reading: Murphey
Week 11
12/08 W 8.00
Final Exam